The prank

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'Okay for our grand entrance, you will have to listen up very carefully.' said James, looking at The Marauders plus George. Fred and George looked at each other with a mischievous smirk.

'Weasel and George. You will fly in to the Great Hall transfiguring food into ducks.' said James, looking at the Weasley twins who nodded in response, smirking their mischievous smirk at each other.
'Padfoot, you will join me. We're gonna set out the fireworks.' Sirius nodded in response, looking very thoughtful.
'And Moony. Your role is the same as always —'
'Make sure you don't kill yourselves, and set free some toads.'
'Super! Let's go!' said James.

They walked out of the room of requirements moments later. Fred and George were carrying their brooms, and were ready to kick off. James and Sirius hid behind the cloak, holding loads of Zonko's fireworks, and Remus was holding a pencil case in his right hand.

'What's up with the pencil case?' said George, pointing at the pencil case in Remus' right hand.

'I transfigured toads into pencils.' said Remus, carelessly.

George shrugged, and kicked off from the ground, together with his brother. Together they flew in the corridors and down the Grand Stairs, and towards the Great Hall's humongous door.
With that spell, the door opened to reveal loads of students eating their breakfast in peace, and the teachers at the end babbling to each other.
'Ducklifors!' Fred and George cried out, aiming for all places.

They shot this spell many, many times, until all food was ducks. The shock of the duck food was however soon replaced by a new shock of toads jumping up and down, and fireworks exploding over them. After a while the fireworks read out; We're back, and better than ever! - The Marauders + Fred - Peter + George.

When the students had calmed down, there were no Marauders to be seen anywhere, and Professor McGonagall continued sipping her tea and reading the Daily Prophet;

Choking Skeeter

Former journalist for the Daily Prophet was yesterday found choking on an article. She had supposedly done this since November, and is now dead.

Apparently, she had been sipping tea an afternoon in November, when two people apparated into her living room. The two, forced Skeeter to open her mouth.

Together the two stuffed her mouth with an article written by her the same month. The two, had later apparated into the unknown, leaving a note saying; That's for ruining people's lives!

She was found by former Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge.
'She just sat there lifeless on her chair, with a cup of dried out tea on her living room table. Her mouth was open and stuffed with copies of an article she had written for The Daily Prophet, in early November.'

Her family and friends are informed of her death, yet no statement on how they are taking the news.

Why no one had reported her missing for so long is still unknown. And how we know all of this is confidential.

McGonagall was shocked, of course she was who wouldn't? Other students and teachers were also reading The Daily Prophet, with the same shocked facial expression as McGonagall.
Was the two people a danger? A threat? Or even Death Eaters? They couldn't possibly be Death Eaters, right? A Death Eater wouldn't care if a person ruins other people's lives ...

But still, it was shocking, very shocking indeed.

'Aaaahhhh!' McGonagall cried out. A toad had just jumped at her, and landed on her face. Slughorn was frantically trying to get it off her, without touching it himself, with no luck of course. The toad remained still on her face until a hand reached out for it and placed it carefully on the floor.

'Thank you, Harry.' said McGonagall, trying not to look embarrassed, but of course she was.
'No problem, Minnie.'


'What the fuck, Prongs? They just continued eating when we were done! I think we have lost our touch!' Sirius whined.
'Stop whining, Padfoot! We haven't lost our touch at the pranks! That's rubbish! We just need to improve ourselves!' said James. 'But for now, we will have to set aside the prancing, until people know we're alive. Don't you think?'
'Fine.' said Sirius, clearly disappointed.

'Hey, James! Why can't I have a cool nickname?' said George, all out of the sudden.
'You're  ... errrr ... Weasel number two ... eh?'
'You'll get a name, we will just have to come up with one, first!'
'Fine.' said a clearly annoyed George.

Okay, okay. Be disappointed at me! I deserve it! I haven't updated in over twenty days! I'm so disappointed at myself, but inspiration is a b***h, okay?

I would like to dedicate this chapter to: SwatiRiya7 for being the very first reader to vote for every chapter(and for the support, through this and my other story), and IRiskedItAll for the idea of this chapter(I was pretty much stuck, in the middle of the chapter ...)

And thank you sosososo much for 1k reads, it means the world to me! I will try to update even though the story is on hold.

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