Flowers bloom beautifully

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Petunia Dursley was cleaning the kitchen for the hundredth time. She was focusing on rubbing off a puke stain which Dudley had made a couple of years ago when he had come home with Harry after a dementor attack.

The stain wasn't actually visible, but after years of spying on her neighbours, she had gained some sort of supervision, which made her spot the tiniest spots in the world.

After an hour of rubbing, her fingers were numb and she decided she would finish it another time. She threw the cloth in the sink and started rinsing it. She put it over the sink to dry and sat down at the sofa, however shortly after she had touched the sofa, she heard a gentle knock at the door.

She hurried over to the door, but then she stopped. Her painting wasn't hanging straight enough on the wall, the person at the door would think she was a swine! Quickly she straightened it up and continued walking towards the door. She heard the gentle knock once more and seconds later, Petunia opened up the door.

Petunia was so shocked when she had elegantly opened the door, her hands found its way to cover her mouth as she gasped, looking horrified at the person in front of her.

The person in front of her was a woman with cold, bright green eyes. Her auburn wavy hair resting on her shoulders and continuing a bit further down. Her pale, freckled arms crossed each other squarely right below her chest and her eyebrows furrowed. Her right hand clothed her willow wand and the May sun behind her made her hair look like fire. 'Hell-o, Tuney.' the woman said coldly.

Petunia did not answer, she was too shocked by her sister's appearance to move. However, her eyes were staring at her sister, with a warm look.
'May I come in?' said Lily after a while. Petunia just gestured with her hands for Lily to enter her home as she was still half-frozen.

Lily walked in towards the living room, without saying a word, she sat down on the light pink sofa and waited for her sister to join her, but on the other couch. Petunia walked towards the other couch, as Lily had placed her jacket beside her, occupying the seat beside her. She tried her best to look elegant in front of her sister but failed miserably as she looked far more like a walking clown than an elegant ballerina.

Unwillingly Lily smiled a little at this but soon regained her cold look. 'We need to talk.' said Lily. 'A-bout what?' Petunia replied, her voice trembling at the sight of her sister's cold eyes. 'Harry.' Lily said, and after a while, she continued, 'His life here at Privet Drive 4. does not only hurt me but also madden me. I thought so much more of you, Petunia. And as for your husband, Vermin. I do think he is, if possible, worse. He locked my son up in a cupboard and refused him to eat or even get to be outside, which is highly necessary for a child.' said Lily, trying to keep her voice as calm as possible. 'And lying about me and James and Harry's powers is something I'll never forgive you for.'

'Lily ... I was so broken after losing you, I did not know what to do ...' Petunia replied helplessly. 'You did not show any sign of love towards me when I lived.' She said glaring at Petunia, her voice angry. 'And you most certainly did know what to do, you treated Dudley as a prince, as for Harry you treated him as quite the opposite, like — like shit.'

'I'm sorry, Lily.' said Petunia looking down at the living room table. 'Sorry won't help you now, Petunia.' said Lily. 'Nothing will ... Nothing ...'

'Is there anything that will make it better, Lily?' said Petunia, almost begging. 'I'm afraid not, but what you could perhaps try is not to be an asshole.' said Lily, getting up from the couch. 'For now, goodbye.' said Lily, faking a smile

'Y-you're leaving? Lily, I haven't seen you in almost twenty years, are you sure you don't want to stay for tea or say hello to Dudley?'
'How long?' said Lily impatiently.

'An hour, perhaps?' Petunia replied.

'Fine.' said Lily after a while and sat back down on the couch. 'Green tea?' Petunia asked her. 'Always, Petunia.' Lily replied, slightly warmer than last time.

Petunia got up from the sofa, fiddling with her blonde hair. She walked over to the kitchen and started boiling water for the tea. 'Lily?' said Petunia after a while. 'Yes, Petunia?'

'I-I don't mean to be rude or anything, but why are you here?' Petunia asked. 'Why I am here or why I'm not in the grave?' Lily asked.

'The last one ...' said Petunia, curiosity gaining in her voice. 'Love. Love resurrected James and I.'

'Something about magic, right?' Petunia asked. 'Yes and no. As Harry has died quite a couple of times or been very near, he had some privileges, so basically he missed and loved a handful of people so much that we were resurrected ...' said Lily, turning around in the couch so she would meet Petunia Dursley's gaze.

'I am so sorry for being so mean to you for so many years, Lily.' said Petunia, walking towards Lily with a tray of teacups, teabags and hot water. 'It's fine, Tuney. But please be nicer to Harry, he is my son, after all.' said Lily.

Lily leaned towards the table and poured the hot water into one of the light blue tea cups, she put in a teabag and waited. 'How's Dudley?' Lily asked after a while, breaking the silence. 'He's at school, but he's home soon ...' Petunia replied as Lily took out her teabag from her hot cup of tea. 'So, Lily. What exactly have you been doing since you-you know ...'

Lily took a sip of tea before answering Petunia. The warm tea felt wonderful against her dry mouth. 'I've been a Potions teacher.' said Lily, continuing sipping her tea. 'How lovely that you get to do something you love, Lily.' said Petunia smiling a warm smile, which Lily had not seen since before her time at Hogwarts. 'Indeed —'

'Mum, I'm home!' said a voice Lily knew as she had been watching over Harry all those years, Dudley Dursley.

A heavy boy with blonde hair entered the room, placing his rucksack by the kitchen table. 'You've got yourself a new friend, mummy?' Dudley asked curiously.

'Yes, Dudley, this is my sister, Lily Potter.' said Petunia as she walked towards him giving him a great hug, whispering into his ear, 'She's not a zombie.'

After the hug, Dudley walked towards Lily reaching his hand out for her to shake. She shook it and said, 'I'm Lily Potter, lovely to meet you.'

'Lovely to meet you too, Lily. I'm Dudley.'

Surprise surprise, I managed to write a chapter in one day. You wouldn't think I'd manage to that, eh?

Well, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Xxprosaktic_JamxX and Undertale_writer04 for being the best friends in the world!! And thanks to hanging out with them today I managed to come up with an idea, thanks, even though this is none of their ideas. Just someone else than my brother's presence helped a lot in general...

But I still need more ideas so if you do have any, please share them with me🙏🏻.
And tell me if you want someone else's point of view, cause that in general helps perhaps even more!

To The Moon And BackМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя