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Hermione Granger was sitting in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom sobbing. She felt so empty, so broken. She missed her parents so dearly. She would try and find them when the term was over, but still. She missed them. She hadn't talked to them for over a year or even seen them.
Even if she was crying in the worst place possible, she didn't care. She didn't care that Moaning Myrtle could show up and annoy her. Or that, last time she had cried in a girls bathroom she had been attacked by a troll. She didn't care, all she wanted was to be alone. She couldn't show her weakness towards anyone, not even Ron. And if she had wanted to share her feelings with Ron ... he was too occupied, eating his chicken.
"Isn't it the cat herself!"
Hermione glared at her through her wet eyes. She didn't have to be reminded of her once being transformed into a cat alike thing. She had loathed the hairballs and her tail, even though it was a pretty tail, it was a pain in the back ... everything was so much harder with that tail!
"What's the matter with the cat...?? It's probably not worse than being killed by a basilisk!" Said Moaning Myrtle sarcastically and fake sobbed a bit.
"Well ... If you must know! My parents can't remember me ... I miss them so - so - so much-"
Hermione started crying once again and Myrtle ... well, Myrtle started complaining about her death and that Hermione had nothing to cry about because it wasn't worse than being dead.
"Well, at least your parents knew who you were when you died! You know what?! I think I will leave you ... you arrrggghh!"
She stood up and ran out of the bathroom leaving Myrtle laughing.
Moaning Myrtle is so mean, she only thinks about herself! Hermione thought as she passed a painting with a drunk man left alone by his friends. Without really looking forward properly as her eyes were still full of tears, she crashed into another student.
"Oh! I'm so so so sorry! She said without looking at the person she had crashed into.
"It's fine ... let me help you up." She recognized the voice, it was Draco Malfoy. Before her, she saw a hand reaching for her to help her up. She took it and got up on her legs again.
"Thanks," said Hermione looking at the pale and tired face of Draco Malfoy.
"Errrr ... I know I've been a git these last couple of years ... and I'm sorry" he muttered.
"I'm sorry for calling you by that awful name and I'm sorry for bullying you and your friends ... do you think you can forgive me?"
"Maybe ..."
"Well ... better than nothing eh? Anyways I heard you started a group called S.P.E.W. Do you reckon I could join?"
"Course but why would you? Of all people, you want to join a group who's trying to make house elves' lives better? You had a house elf and you treated him awfully." Said Hermione, looking very confused.
"I regret loads of things and I kind of wanna make up for those things so, I thought that it was a place to begin.."
Hermione was silent, but after a while, she started searching her bag for S.P.E.W. badges and the list of S.P.E.W. members.
"Just sign this and then you'll get a badge." Said Hermione. Draco shrugged and signed the list. Hermione handed over the badge to Draco, and suddenly felt a lot happier. Maybe the house elves will for once be treated as equals and not inferiors.
"Bye Granger"
"Bye Malfoy, and thanks for wanting to join the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare."
Malfoy smiled and walked away leaving Hermione in a much better mood.

Sorry for this chapter being crappy, but I just really wanted to include this in the story! And btw thank you sosososo much for reading this story and voting for it! It means a lot!

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