The dog-man

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The dog was running as fast as its legs could possibly run. It ran towards an old castle, a castle in the highlands of Scotland. It ran through the doors of the castle, up the stairs and stopped in front of a large oak door.
'—dead?' said a voice the dog knew so well.
'Yeah.' said another voice. 'But how?'

The dog transformed into a handsome man in his thirties, with shoulder length dark hair, and grey eyes. The man put his fingers upon the door carefully, and opened it up slightly so he could have a peek of the scene.

'I don't know ... care to explain?' said his godson, Harry, looking at two very familiar people, one with messy black hair, the other, a woman with auburn, long, wavy hair.

'Errr ... this probably won't make any sense, but Dumbledore said that — no one had died as many times as you, and being the boy who survived the killing curse not only once, but twice, has its privileges. You have somehow resurrected us Harry, without your knowledge ... because we are the people — you feel the most guilty about — "dying for you".' said the woman.

'Are there others?' said Harry.
'Oh! You bet there is!' said Sirius, opening the door with a bang.

Everyone looked at the man a few meters in front of them, some were surprised, while one was running towards him, yelling, 'Padfoot!'
'Geez, Prongs! I saw you an hour ago!' said Sirius, hugging the oldest messy haired man.

'I haven't seen you alive in almost eighteen years. I miss hugging you, not the dead, but alive you.'
'Bruh, that's the cheesiest shit I've ever heard, Prongs!' said Sirius, laughing at his friend.

After a while, another jet-black, messy haired man ran towards Sirius, giving him a hug.

'I missed you, Sirius.'
'I missed you too, Harry.' said Sirius, looking at his godson, his eyes had started to water up. Sirius thought this was a horrible sight, and started to cry with Harry.

'I know I'm only your father Harry, but Sirius gets a better welcome than me. You haven't seen me in nearly eighteen years, last time you saw Sirius was three years ago. Don't I deserve a hug as well?' said James, interrupting the moment.
'James! Sirius was like his father! Shut up and enjoy the cheesiness!' said Lily. But before James could reply, he finally got his hug. He had missed this beyond anything, having his arms around his son. He had missed it so much. When Harry pulled away from the hug, James saw in the corner of his eye a slightly awkward McGonagall.

'Don't thinking I forgot you, Minnie!' said James, giving Minnie a monster hug, later joined by Sirius.
'I missed you ...' said Minnie, wiping away a tear that had managed to escape from her eyes.
'You were like the sons I never had ...' said Minnie, smiling sadly at them.
'Oh, Minnie don't be sad, be happy!' said Sirius, who was starting to realize this moment was very cheesy, but ignored it.

'Okay, so if I get this right,' said Hermione, interrupting the moment. 'You all came back from the dead because Harry felt guilty?'
'I told you it didn't make any sense.' said Lily.
'But —'
'I told you it wouldn't make any sense, and I myself don't care, cause now I get to see my son, my friends, and spit at the place Voldemort died!'
'Shhhhhh — Lily — calm down.' said James jokingly. 'We're all gonna spit at the place Voldemort died, but first I will have to summon the Marauders for our big entry! See ya, Lils!' And with that Sirius and James turned into their Animagus forms and ran off to find Moony.

'Uh, what just happened?' said Ron, who had awkwardly looked at the scene and not spoken one single time.
'Long story short, my husband is gonna scare the hell out of people within an hour ... Oh, I forgot. I'm Lily Potter, nice to meet you.' said Lily, holding out her hand to shake Ginny's. Ginny shook her hand, with a firm grip, and smiled.
'I'm Ginny Weasley, we will have a lot of fun.'
Lily smiled and replied, 'We sure will, Ginny'
But as Lily was about to go over to Hermione, Ginny gave her a big hug, whispering, 'Looking forward to the girl talk.' After a while, she pulled away and Lily moved on to Ron and Hermione.

'I'm Lily Potter, nice to meet you' said Lily once again holding out her hand to shake Hermione's. Hermione shook her hand firmly and bone-crushing and Lily thought the handshake would never end.
'I'm Hermione Granger, Harry's best friend.' said Hermione, smiling at Lily and watched her pull her hand out of the handshake, clutching her hurting hand.

'And I'm Ron Weasley, also Harry's best friend' said Ron, holding out his hand. Lily shook his hand, who thank Merlin, was much slacker in the grip. 'I'm Lily Potter, nice to meet you.' said Lily smiling at the ginger boy.

I know I promised you a longer chapter, but I struggled to write this as so many characters would meet, and introduce and blah blah blah

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