The duel in the woods

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In front of him was a dead girl. Harry remembered her, as he had the habit of often recognizing the unseen. He hadn't known her well, but she was a talented witch, and a real kind one too. But all this were just memories, memories that didn't matter anymore. She had died trying to save others, her last words were a warning about the death eaters.

Suddenly he felt angry and ran out of the crowd of people around the poor girl. "Harry!" Someone shouted behind him. "HARRY POTTER!" He saw a glimpse of a death eater's mask several meters in front of him, lurking behind a tree. The death eater had somehow seen him too. But to Harry's surprise, the death eater ran for it, heading towards the forest, instead of cursing him. Suddenly Harry found himself running furiously after the death eater. "HARRY POTTER, YOU LISTEN TO ME!!" The voice called behind him, but he didn't care, he was thirsty for revenge.

Even though he didn't know the girl that well, he couldn't bear the thought of just let a death eater "dance like an eight-year-old" away from him. He found himself the one to blame once again, the death eaters were probably in Hogsmeade for Harry. Cause why would they just happen to be in Hogsmeade to kill an innocent girl?

Suddenly it occurred to him, why the bloody hell am I running I could just apparate! He felt the sensation of apparating and suddenly he was watching the death eater behind a tree. "STUPEFY!!!"
The death eater blocked the spell and screamed "CRUCIO!!"

Harry felt the worst pain in the world and just wanted it to end, he didn't care how it would end, as long as he was free from the pain.

He didn't know how.....but somehow he managed to shoot a spell at the death eater. The death eater fell to the ground instantly, but he quickly recovered from the shock of Harry managing to cast a spell while being tortured. "CRUCIO!!!" The death eater yelled again, but Harry was prepared this time and shouted; "PROTEGO!!" The curse was sent back to the death eater and he started screaming in pain on the ground.

"Petrificus totalus" Harry muttered, and he watched the death eater lay on the ground still in pain, but frozen like he was some kind of statue. But his eyes...his eyes were filled with pain and horror. "You know just as well as I do...that you deserved what you got...In fact, you deserve more pain, you killed a girl...There's never a punishment good enough, to weigh up to what you did to that poor girl!! It is the greatest crime against nature to kill someone!! do you live with yourself?!!"

The death eater's eyes were first filled with anger, but then in a split second, regret...but then realized that Harry had seen this and made a look to show that he didn't regret anything. His eyes then shifted back to anger and focused on Harry.

"Levicorpus" Harry muttered while watching the death eater rose two meters in the air like he was laying in some bed. He walked out of the forest with the death eater right behind him in the air. He headed to the figure of an auror near Honeydukes.
The auror looked very surprised to see what Harry has brought with him but soon disapparated, probably to the ministry of magic.

"HARRY POTTER, COME HERE!!" He heard a panting voice behind him, he turned around to see no other than Ginny, now accompanied by Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger. "Do you...know why.....I.... shouted.... your....bloody name?!" Ginny said gasping for air.
"Errrr..." He said rubbing the back of his head. "You like my name...???" He said grinning.
"No! You idiot, it was for you to stop!" Said, Hermione, this time. "We ran after you all the way and then suddenly pof! You were gone!! Where the bloody hell were you going anyway?!"
"To the forest, I saw a death eater. The one that killed the girl."
"Well, you could've told us! When will it occur to you that we're all in this, together." Hermione said smacking his head. Harry just awkwardly laughed a bit before the others burst out laughing, well except for Luna, she just looked at them dreamily. But then she started talking, not in her usually dreamily voice, but not in fear either, just a way too normal voice. "Wasn't there more than one death eater?"

She was right, there had been three death eaters in Hogsmeade. Two of them were caught, but one death eater had either escaped or...

He didn't get to finish this thought. His thoughts went back, back to Hogsmeade. Right in front of him, someone had cast a spell towards them. The green light grew closer and closer at a high speed towards them. They all had sort of froze to the ground, well except for Luna who managed to block the spell and started duelling the death eater.

Several curses, hexes, jinxes and spells shot throw the air. Harry seemed to have unfrozen and started duelling the death eater as well. Hermione and Ginny were still frozen in shock and stood there watching for several moments.

Soon Ginny and Hermione joined in, and the curses, hexes, jinxes and spells were at least doubled as Hermione could do non-verbal spell casting. So she could fire spells very fast without needing to pause for breath in between the times she shouted the spells.

"STUPEFY!" Ginny cried out aiming for the death eater. This was the spell that ended the duel as the death eater fell backwards into the snow with a plop.

Seconds afterwards an auror arrived looking puzzled, rubbing the back of his head, as he said; "Wonder when, it's the adults' time to shine...not the teens...."
"I guess we're just better, independent of our age" Harry answered quickly with a smirk on his face.
"I guess so" the auror replied as he took hold of the death eater and disapparated.


This day truly had been worse than the date with Cho three years ago. All he had wished for, was for the day not to end as pitiful as last time. You could mildly say that that plan did not exactly succeed. What could possibly be worse than an innocent girl dying...??? He would rather want the day to end as last time instead of today's trauma.

Hope you liked the chapter!
Word count: 1091


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