"I've been briefed of the events that occurred from the 24th of December to the 20th of January." I felt sick thinking that I had spent the good part of a month with those monsters. Lily stiffened beside me and took her hand, squeezing it support.

The judge turned his gaze to the vampire sprawled out in his seat. He cocked his head to a side. "How the bloody hell was I to know they'd go on a Rampage like that? I manage to many nests it's hard to keep an eye on them all."

The vampire on front of him gritted his teeth and shot his companion a hard look. "As he was trying to explain, judge. He was unaware of the events that took place between these days. The nest acted of their own accord and he takes responsibility and will pay whatever compensation the other side wishes. But he wishes not be stripped of his rank."

Isaac was up like a bullet, his eyes cold and unrecognizable. "Compensation? Vampires who were under your control attacked my village and kidnapped my mate and one of my pack members. And you speak of compensation? We don't want money. Don't kid yourself. We want valid assurance that something like this won't happen again. If a nest under his control acted under his nose then doesn't that prove that he's an incompetent leader?"

The judge leaned across the table, his eyes meeting the vamp's. "Did you have any knowledge of the attack?"

The man who stood in front of him spoke this time. "No, he had no knowledge of it."

"Yet it was his sub pack who acted?"

The man nodded solemnly.

"Council rule states that any faction leader who's faction acts out against their rule be stripped of their rank. Frankly he's lucky he's not put to death. He challenged one of the 12 main alphas and will have to pay for the actions of his nest."

The man groaned loudly. "Did I fucking kidnap her? No? Everyone in that nest is dead so case closed. Sorry you got caught up in the whirlwind sweetie but i shouldn't be stripped of my rank for this."

The man in front of him sighed, before nodding at the Judge.

"My defendant accepts that he will be stripped of his rank and unable to lead any faction until further notice." Isaac slipped his hand into mine as the judge brought his gavel down and the loud echo of retribution sounded.

"You're stripped of your rank and furthermore should learn to close your mouth. You may not lead any sub nests in the future. Disband any nests under your control or they are to join other leaders. You're also to pay 300,000 in compensation to the Littlewood pack for any damage caused during the initial attack. Be glad you got off lucky this time. Case adjourned."

The Judge got up to leave but one voice cut through the air- harshly. Isaac's.

"There's something we need to discuss further."

The judge looked on in confusion and I felt my heart drop into my chest as a familiar figure made his way up to the stand. Elder Moe. A harsh man who wouldn't ease up in the slightest in his opinions. A man set in the old ways of Arden. A man who's steely gaze was directed on me.

"My name is Ardeus Moe. I am an elder of the city of Arden. I wish to request the return of my three nymphs."

The judge fidgeted in confusion before another voice cut through, this time even more intimidating than Isaac's. Anyone in the room could tell there was an undeniable amount of power radiating from it.

"I will be ruling this case." Came the voice, harsh and authoritative. I felt fear spike through me as Isaac took my hand in his. "It's the royal King of wolves. He's also a leading founder of the council."

The judge paled and retreated while the man, whom I now recognized as the king took his place at the front of the room. A heavy tension filled the room and Elder Moe paled slightly before he stood straighter and narrowed his gaze on my in particular.

"As you already know of the existence of Arden I will speak freely. I hope the knowledge of this stays in this room." There were a handful of people left, Noah and Bobbi with a few nymphs at the back of the room. Isaac, his father, Lily and I. The vampires had fled, only leaving behind two leaders and by the power and authority radiating off them, they were of the highest ranking.

"The secret city of Arden was built centuries ago to ensure the survival of our species. A few of our youth seem to have different opinions and think It best to reveal the city of Arden. I only want my people returned to ensure that they keep the secret of our species."

The king pretended to ponder over his request, crossing his arms in false thought. "And what of the nymphs at the back of the room?"

The elder's went white as a sheet.

"Would you return them to Arden as well? Although based on the fact that all of these nymphs left of their own will tells me another story. The time of war has passed, the new generation of nymphs seem to want to handle things differently, there isn't any way you can keep them locked away if that's not what they desire. If people wish to leave, it is not your place to demand them to stay."

Elder Moe turned his hard gaze on me. "Is this what you wanted? To reveal our entire species to a world that took both your parents? Do you wish to condemn us all to death?!"

My own hard gaze met his. "My father died protecting me and don't you dare utter another word against my mother. You fed us lies, kept us trapped and ensured that we followed the rules you imposed on us."

The king sighed deeply. "I think there's one final witness we should hear from." His eyes flickered to the door. Slowly it opened and my eyes met familiar green ones. They were the same as mine.

Long golden locks had been cut off and now rested just below her shoulder. Still when I met her eyes I was filled with a warmth. One only she could provide. Tears filled my eyes as my body went weak.


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