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~Namimori International airport~

A private plane just land on the airport and everybody is in awe at the plane. A group of bishounen step down from the plane and everybody mistake them for idols but they were not wrong because, all of them are in the entertainment industry. They are very popular but they were not known by the public because, they often wear mask to hide their identity.

A sleek black limo stop in front of them and the driver came out to open the door for them. The brunette boy greet the man with the others. People stare at them until the limo is lout of their sight. Some even took a pictures.

In the limo a fight between the silverrette and an italiano boy is happening while a girl with purple hair is trying to stop them but it is in vain as they show no sign of stopping. " Can all of you herbivores keep quiet, Tsuna is trying to sleep and you people are yapping like idiots." Suddenly a cold voice sounded in the car shutting them all up. They turn to face a Japanese boy with raven hair that is patting a brunette's head on his lap. His statement made them all quiet the whole way.

Not long after that the limo stop in front of a mansion that has a big garden and a beautiful fountain at the middle. The limo stop in front of the mansion's door and the driver helped the to open their door as a custom. Kyoya carry the still sleeping Tsuna bridal style and enter the mansion followed by the others. Immediately they are greeted by rows of maids and butlers ready at their service. A butler guide them to their respective rooms while the others helped carry their bags. There is no luggage as the vongola has provided them with a complete wardrobe. Kyoya is guide to a Japanese decorated room. He place Tsuna down gently on a futon and laid down beside him ad scooped him into his arms. Kyoya place a gentle kiss on Tsuna's forehead and muttered a soft goodnight. Kyoya allowed himself a small smile when he heard Tsuna said the same thing to him. The both of them snuggled together and the rotten maids and butlers all is eavesdropping while taking pictures of the cute couple.

When Kyoya and Tsuna wake it is just time for dinner so they bath together and poor Kyoya had to restraint himself for another years before he can have a taste of his little animal. They finished their bath together and head to the dining room where all the others is waiting for them especially Tsuna before they can start their dinner. All of them had a very wonderful dinner before Tsuna requested them to talk to them in his office after dinner.

In his office Tsuna tell them the detail for tomorrow agenda and Hayato take note of it. After that they all retired to their own room because they will be very busy tomorrow.

Kyoya and Tsuna stay a little longer in the office and Tsuna have a sad look on his face afraid to face his brother tomorrow even though he is surrounded by people that treasure him.

Kyoya have to drag him to rest before he could start on the new badge of paperwork. Tsuna look at Kyoya's back with a soft look on his face. He really love Kyoya and do not want to be separated from him again like before. He knew that his mother and brother does not love him. He knew about that since he is still a toddler but refrain from saying anything. He love his mother and older brother but his affection is not return even if he wait for years. Luckily his father does not hate him.

Kyoya know that Tsuna is thinking about his stupid mother and herbivorous brother. He does not like the sad look o his face and will swear to make him happy all the time.

They arrive at their room and cuddle with each other. Kyoya place a brief kiss on Tsuna's forehead and chuckle at the blush on Tsuna's cheek. Tsuna also shyly place a kiss on Kyoya's chin.

That night everyone sleep with no nightmare and the soft breeze rustling the trees accompany by the moonlight and the stars making the mansion look as if it came out pf a fairy tale book.


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