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The boy ask Tsuna a question.

" Who are you, What are you doing so late at night and are you okay?" the boy that ask Tsuna has the same look as Alaude but with steel gray eyes and jet black raven hair along with pale skin. His eyes swirled with unknown expression but there is one emotion that Tsuna knows best. It is feared of rejection.


I was resting on the three when I felt a presence. Curiosity get the best of me and I peeked out from the tree I was resting on and saw this cute little boy eating his late dinner sitting on the swing. He looked familiar to me but I don't know why. It just that I feel like I have met him somewhere before but I can't remember. I want to approached the boy but I afraid that he will reject me like how others reject me. I want to get back to sleep when he started crying. Then without realising what I am doing I approached him and asked his name. He looked up and I immediately recognise him. He is my friend from the hospital. I remember calling him Usagi but he just blushed and smiled warmly at me. It was the first time someone talk to me and treat me kindly. Since that day I swore to protect him. Unfortunately not long after I was discharge from the hospital I have to visit my uncle in China. Apparently he is sick after he was forced to carry the burden to be the storm arcobaleno. They were also searching for their sky that has suddenly goes missing.

A soft voice coming from Usagi snapped from my thought.

"M-m-my n-name I-is T-T-Tsuna-y-yoshi S-a-wada."

" Usagi"

"Eh! Hibari-san?!"

"Usagi, what are you doing here so late at night?"

"Ummm~~ well, I just finish my dinner because Nana-sama refused to give me food and I was really hungry after I was just discharge from the hospital today and I don't want to go home just to get whipped by Nana-sama"

I was shocked to hear this from him because Sawada Nana is known to be the kindest and gentlest person in Namimori. But I guess you can't judge a person based on rumours and looks. This usage looks injured and sad. Why don't I invite him to my house beside he is my first friend.

"Usagi follow me. I will treat your wound."

"Thank you Hibari-san"

"Call me Kyoya. Usagi do you know how to fight?"

" Okay Kyoya. I do know how to fight. I learn it from one of the nurse that sometimes teach mixed martial arts for my therapy to gain my reflex back. But I will never used it to hurt other people, I will used it to protect."

"Then spar with me sometimes."

"Oh okay."


Not long after that, they arrive at a traditional Japanese house near the forest of Namimori. Tsuna is in awe when he saw the house because it is so big. He is too distracted that Kyoya had to hold his hand and lead him to the living room. When Kyoya asked Tsuna to sit on the cushion Tsuna refuse because he is afraid to ruin the cushion with his blood. When Kyoya start to question him, Tsuna had no choice but to confess. After the small confession, Tsuna can see the dark look on Kyoya's face. He started to tear up thinking that Kyoya is angry with him. He started to look around for his ghosts friends but can't find them. When Kyoya saw this he immediately apologise and hurriedly went to the bathroom to prepare the bath. After he done that, he started to treat Tsuna's wound. While doing that he noticed that it is a wound inflicting by whip because of the obvious whip mark. He want to question Tsuna but don't want to invade his privacy. But even without asking he knew that his friend is abuse. Since that day, they become closer and Kyoya help Tsuna to protect his so called 'family' from mafias and assassins. Tsuna had told Kyoya about his involvement due to his connection through his father's work as adviser of the Vongola Famiglia. He also told Kyoya about Alaude. After hearing this Kyoya made a vow to always be by Tsuna's side no matter what. To his displeasure, Alaude looks like him hence the constant fight between them. The others can only watch from the side line as Tsuna keep insisting that they are playing. The other first generation could only sweat drop at his obliviousness. Kyoya had realise that he is getting stronger day after day due to hs constant fight with the carnivore. After discovering about the flames, he had demanded that Alaude teach him how to control his flame. During their training, they found out that Kyoya has two flames with cloud as his primary flames and mist as his secondary flame. Since than Daemon had to help  train Kyoya with G as their main target to test the illusion. With Tsuna, he did not need any help to train his flames since he had a perfect control over them so he only focuses in increasing his hyper intuition, speed, hand to hand combat, strategies and also weapon wielding. He cannot train in his strength due to his weak body so his martial arts technique mainly focus in striking the nerve to stop the enemy since he refuse to kill....yet.

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