Chapter 68 - Familiar places, familiar faces

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The car was making its way through the narrow London streets at a speed far above the 30 mph limit, frantically changing lanes and overtaking other vehicles to avoid traffic jams.

Suffice to say, Deya's hand was firmly propped against the dashboard to avoid being thrown at the passenger door or Dylan, and the flicking lights of the city forced her to keep her eyes half closed for the most part.

Nonetheless, as her anxiety eventually settled into a manageable level - one where she wasn't suffocating and on the verge of fainting - it was time to get some answers.

"Will you finally tell me what is this all about?" Her voice came out wobbly, and it seemed the man has overheard at first, which is why she cleared her throat and repeated the question a little more confidently.

"It's.. Cole" Dylan breathed out, and the painful frown instantly put the girl on alert. "He's in hospital. A mission gone wrong."

"WHAT!?" Her yell made the man flinch, and the car swerved.

"He had a surgery, but he's stabilized and.." Dylan tried to save the situation, but it was obvious he struggled to keep a composure himself. "Geez, I'm so sorry. That's a bloody hell of a way to break the news to you"

There was a minute of silence, and Deya started to feel sorry for the man. After all, he and Cole went a long way back.

"I don't think there's a right way to talk about this" She commented softly while looking out of the window to hide her glistening orbs. "What happened?"

"H-He got shot" His voice came out wobbly and Deya failed to suppress the heartbreaking sob building in her chest. Shot?!

"He's just a kid" Her mind pictured the cheeky teenager she met at the party, sending another wave of tears down her cheeks.

"I know" The man let out a sigh, and the more the girl thought about how unjust it was, the more her rage grew.

"How could you let that happen?" She turned to face him again, the fiery glare burning a hole into the Bulldog.

"I-I don't know. It was business as usual. We've done it a thousand times before" Dylan blurted out so fast she struggled to comprehend. "They must have got a sniper"

"A sniper?!" Her yell filled the car again as she ran her fingers through her hair. "What the hell did you get yourself into? And who the hell are 'they'?"

Although the question wasn't entirely rhetoric, the blond chose to interpret it as such, perhaps in fear of provoking her even more.

"Which hospital?" She inquired after pondering the situation for a couple of seconds. Her thoughts were all over the place, and maybe some answers will help her feel more in control.

"Middlessex Uni"

She gave a curt nod, but then instantly tensed. "Wait.. That's near Tottenham"

The car fell into silence as the realisation set in, and Dylan internally cursed himself.

"It's all because of the 'Northern operation', isn't it?" She murmured in disbelief, observing his profile for any reaction. Nonetheless, his reluctance to talk spoke loud enough.

"Tell me, Dylan, what exactly is the operation? Huh?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she recalled Max's panicked expression when he thought she knows all about the North.

But it was useless.

"I can't tell" She watched him shake his head from side to side, while wearing the same guilty expression she's seen a million times before.

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