Chapter 50 - Transformation

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Warning, strong language and some mature content.

After the first week of keeping up with the plan, the girl's appearance has changed drastically. Her long wild raven locks were cut off and replaced by ginger mikado and straight bangs, she got used to wearing the green contacts again, and the sophisticated outfits they bought for her surely did make her look more mature.

Celadon also hired a 'pageant  consultant' to teach her how to use make-up to her advantage, basic dance moves, and more confident body language. Although she found it annoying at first, the old lady did teach her how to master the walk in high heels. To understand how big of an accomplishment it was, you'd have to see her awkward video from high school graduation, the one that earned her the nickname 'wobbly ankles' for a while.


Despite the visage, Victoria felt incomplete. It could be said she was empty inside, and the girl was sure it's the reason why she still woke up in sweat and tears every other night.

But then, on the seventh day as she was enjoying her hour in the library, the perfect idea hit her in the head. Well, not literally. But as she lovingly eyed the edition of Crime and Punishment for the hundredth time that week, it was decided.


Victoria's Russian!

How comes she haven't thought of that? If there was something that can disguise your voice, it's an accent. Plus, she has always loved russian culture, why not to use this whole mess to her benefit a little? After all, she managed to learn Czech, and slavic languages are similar.

Suffice to say, it was motivation enough to run to the front of the office with wide grin, and release a waterfall of blabbering on wide-eyed Celadon. It was unclear whether he was taken more off guard by her incoherence, or the fact that she spoke to him outside their regular exchange of snarky comments.

Either way, after a little back and forth, the girl managed to convince him it's a good idea, and he agreed to hire her a Russian tutor. It made her so happy she actually jumped forward intending to hug him, but then the reality sank in and she ended up staring at him awkwardly for a minute before scurrying back to her reading.

It did surprise her when Russian lectures appeared on her schedule the very next day, but she certainly didn't complain. Especially once she found out how hot her tutor is.

Dmitri. With the strong jawline, plump kissable lips, and bright blue eyes... Lets just say it might have something to do with the amazing progress she made in the first two weeks.

Can't disappoint a man like this, can ya?

It became a habit that she kept him at least half an hour over their teaching time, asking about his life and Russia. Oh, how she loved to listen to him talk. She did enquire about the women specifically, and although hearing about his ex-girlfriends did stang a little, it also helped her with Victoria.

Nadya was the feisty feminist. The one who didn't hesitate to get her hands dirty when the 'woman power' was threatened. Which, as Dmitri noted, happened quite regularly where he grew up.

And then there was Katya, the free spirit. One that kept you on your toes and never revealed her next steps, although you could always tell it will be next-level insane.

And how could she forget Lena, the tempting nymph...

The more Victoria listened, the more she longed to become all and none of them.

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