"Crysta! Cherry!" Zak cried for help.

"Hey, that's MY human!" Crysta growled, going after them.

Batty even came by to help. Supposedly. He flew in, but then hit a tree stump and slid down, shaking his head. He covered his eyes, feeling hurt and scared. "I'm blind! Oh, no!" He opened one eye and felt relieved. "I can see! It's a miracle! Another perfect landing. No worries, I'm okay, thank you for caring, it's just a few bruises."

Zak and Cherry were now behind Batty, feeling safe and without harm from Stump and his gang. 

"Nobody cares about me." Batty hung his head.

"I do, bat man." Zak assured him with open arms.

Batty turned to the humans with a smile. "You sure?"

"I do too," Cherry smiled. "You're pretty funny. I'm positive."

Batty gazed at her. "Only fools are positive."

"Are you sure?" Zak asked, joking.

"I'm positive," Batty said, then was caught in his own trap. "I fell for it! I shoul've known!"

"Come on, you two." Crysta pulled Cherry and Zak away from Batty. She then dragged them further into FernGully to meet the family as a bunch of fairy children crowded, looking at Cherry and Zak with suspicion and curiosity.

"Crysta!" an elderly male fairy flew toward Crysta. That must've been her father. "We were so worried about- What's that?"

"Father, I'd like you to meet Cherry and Zak," Crysta introduced. 

"Hi." Zak held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Fairy." Cherry added.

"They're bodacious babes." Crysta explained.

Cherry couldn't help but laugh at that.

"They're what!?" Crysta's father asked.

"They're humans!" Crysta said with a smile.

All the fairy children gasped at the sights of actual humans. They just couldn't believe it. Not to mention that now Cherry and Zak were their sizes. Crysta's father floated along them to observe them. "Somehow I thought they'd be... bigger..." he said.

"Well, I had a little accident," Crysta smiled sheepishly. "And they short of shrank. But just think! Humans back in the forest!"

"Yep, there goes the neighborhood." Batty joked.

"Be nice, Batty." Crysta scolded him.

"First thing, all these trees go," Batty cornered Cherry and Zak, accusing them for the deforestation lately. "Then come your highways, then come your shopping malls, and your parking lots and you convenience stores, and then comes-"

Zak then flicked Batty's ear to make him 'change channels'.

"Price check on prune juice!" Batty babbled, and left them alone.

Crysta's father shrugged. Now he thought Batty was the strange creature in FernGully. They all heard a distant voice and there came a red-headed fairy with a smug smile. "Crysta! Where have you been? I've been looking all over for ya!"

"This guy looks like a jock." Cherry whispered to Zak.

"Pips, you won't believe what I found." Crysta smiled at her new friends. She then flew toward Cherry and Zak. "Aren't they amazing?"

"Shouldn't we be charging admission for this?" Zak asked Cherry.

Cherry shrugged with a smile.

"That's all you got to say?" Pips glared at Crysta. "I been out all night and you show me these weird creatures here?"

Cherry and Katie Go To FerngullyWhere stories live. Discover now