chapter 5

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It was a pretty easy night for the trio. However, once morning hit, Crysta's eyes flashed open as she heard chopping noises. She was worried some trees would be in danger so she grabbed Cherry and shook her awake.

"Crysta, you could just gently shake me awake like my Mom does!" Cherry whined.

"I know, but do you hear that?" Crysta asked as the chopping continued.

Cherry heard it now. "I wonder what that is?"

Crysta and Cherry heard the chopping closer to them. She then grabbed Cherry and pulled her down to find the source of the noise. They looked down and saw Zak at the very bottom. "Morning!" he called to them.

"Come on, Cherry, let's go down there!" Crysta grabbed Cherry and floated down, pulling her with her.

"Does my opinion not matter anymore!?" Cherry whined as she was dragged along as usual.

Zak had been carving something into the tree. He was about to do more, then Crysta was right in front of him. "What are you doing?" Crysta asked, alarmed.

"Carving your name," Zak pointed. "See? C-R-Y-S-"

"No, no, you mustn't do that!" Crysta protested. "Here." she put his hand against the bark. "Can't you feel its pain?"

"Its pain?" Zak raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, Zak," Crysta sighed, floating along a leaf boat. "He just doesn't understand."

"Crysta, we're not fairies, we can't naturally feel a tree's pain like you can." Cherry explained, walking to her.

Zak caught up. He felt bad for what he did since Crysta was upset. He then looked around, hoping she could still help them. "So, which way to FernGully?"

Crysta didn't answer, she was still a little devastated.

"Oh, Crysta." Cherry sat next to her for some support.

Zak looked at them and thought of something. He then pushed the leaf boat down the small hill to lead them into the water. Cherry screamed, then some water splashed on her, making her feel wet and miserable now. Crysta and Zak laughed though as they all floated along the water and a couple of kangaroo babies jumped over their heads. A mother kangaroo was drinking some water and she watched them float by. It was like a perfect little boat ride. Zak and Crysta were enjoying the sights and looked at all the animals and views of the rainforest. Cherry however, felt boat sick again. She went to the edge and threw herself over while she felt green and had hot sweat over her forehead. Zak looked up with content even as they came along a small waterfall.

"Cherry, look!" Zak shook the girl.

"Huh?" Cherry looked and then didn't feel so queasy. It was beautiful with rich green colors and beautiful background. "What is this place?"

"This is FernGully." Crysta said.

"Wow!" Cherry smiled. The boat came across the water fall, making the boat fall but Crysta was still floating in the air. Zak and Cherry fell and a couple of brutish looking fairies grabbed them by their ankles.

"Hey Crysta, what's this?" the fairy holding Zak asked.

"Careful, Stump, he's a human." Crysta replied as she flew down and caught Cherry in her arms. "So's she."

"Hey, how does it taste?" another fairy asked, licking Zak's belly.

Cherry cringed, seeing Zak subjected to their torture.

"A 'hoo-man'?" Stump wondered.

"Let go of me!" Zak demanded.

Stump then decided to go with his friends to show the others what a real, life human was like.

Cherry and Katie Go To FerngullyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant