"It's fire." Zak told her.

Crysta came and look a closer look. "That's fire?" she sounded dubious. She then reached to touch it, but burnt herself, making her cry in pain.

"Careful!" Zak told her. It looked beautiful with the fire under the flower. Nature almost seemed romantic to him now. They then touched each other's hands and there was a glow between their palms.

"Aw, I think someone's in love..." Cherry said to herself with a smile.

Once more, back at camp. Whitney was now in the bulldozer machine with Ralph and Tony. Katie was looking around, feeling victorious with the forest almost being no more. They were so close to endangering any signs of life in the rainforest. If Katie were herself, she would've put a stop to this somehow, but unfortunately she was under the influence of Hexxus. The machine grew more smoke which meant that Hexxus could absorb it and grow into his natural self, his natural, menacing, threat to society, pollution swallowing self. Katie smirked as the world was nearly ending all because of her and Hexxus. 

"Boss is gonna be so proud." Katie snickered, devilishly.

"Indeed I am, my dear." Hexxus's voice snickered, happily suckling up the smoke from the machine. The fumes made him alive, the gas made him breathe, the toxic reign made him feel almighty and powerful. Hexxus then came closer to Katie as he was growing his true form. "Now, tell those clever and stupid humans to demolish and set course for FernGully!"

Katie nodded obediently and went to Ralph and Tony. She pulled herself up in the nearly deserted land and it looked more like a wasteland than how it looked before when Katie and Cherry first came. "Gentlemen, I want you to go to FernGully! Kill all the trees as quick as you can!" Katie demanded.

"Erm, okay, if you say so, Miss Katie." Ralph chuckled, sheepishly.

"You got it!" Tony saluted.

"Yes, double shifts and no breaks!" Katie pressed her fingers together in a sickly manner.

"No breaks!?" Tony sounded like he wanted to protest.

Katie then made her dress strap run loose, exposing more of her bare chest. "Is that gonna be a problem?"

Tony looked at her nervously, then grinned widely like a nervous schoolboy. "No ma'am!"

"Then get right to it!" Katie urged.

"Right away!" Tony nodded, then made the machine go closer to the forest.

"That's a good girl, Katie, not bad for a human," Hexxus's voice was deep and velvety. "I'm sure you and I could become soul mates..." he licked his lips and began to take his true form of a smog cloud skeleton bent on world domination. "Hit me one time, hit me twice," he then became his true form and sang about how excited he was about making FernGully no more but a mere shopping mall. "Ooh, that's rather nice!"

"Boss's love sure is toxic!" Katie cheered.

"You made me the proudest smog cloud." Hexxus laughed evilly as his laugh grew dark and demonic.

Hexxus: Oil and grime

Poison sludge

Diseal clouds and noxious muck

Slime beneath me

Slime up above

Oh, you'll love my toxic love!

I've seen the world and all the creatures in it

Katie: All the creatures in it!

Hexxus: I suck 'em dry and spit 'em out like spinach

Cherry and Katie Go To FerngullyWhere stories live. Discover now