"Fine, but I think Cherry's dinner." Zak pointed back, nervously.

"You left her behind!?" Crysta couldn't believe that. She then zipped to find the iguana Zak had mentioned.

"Hey, it's not my fault!" Zak cried, chasing after her.

Crysta rolled her eyes and found the iguana that had eaten Cherry. She then caught up with Zak and Batty, resting on a tree branch while the iguana had swallowed Cherry alive. 

"No, you can't eat her!" Crysta snapped at the iguana. "She's a human!"

The iguana tilted his head at the fairy. "What's a human?"

"Delicious and nutrious," Batty replied. "Tastes just like chicken!"

"Wait!" Crysta flew over and glared at the iguana. "She's my friend!"

The iguana looked at her. He looked as though he felt guilty on the inside for eating Cherry now. "Well, any friend of a fairy is a friend of mine." he then threw Cherry up, making her spiral through the air and hit another tree.

"This just isn't my day..." Cherry said, dizzily, then slowly slid down. Only now she was covered in iguana drool. 

"Thanks a lot." Crysta rolled her eyes at the reptile.

"You owe me a free dinner after this one." the iguana groaned, then eyed Zak. "Hey..."

"Don't even think about it!" Crysta went to Cherry to check on her. "Are you okay?"

Cherry flopped like a fish and took a deep breath. "That was the most traumatic experience of my life!"

Zak screamed and rushed to Cherry like he was overly worried about her. "What happened to us!? W-W-We're three inches tall!"

"I shrank you." Crysta smiled apologetically.

"You what!?" Zak and Cherry looked at her.

"Well, it was the most amazing thing," Crysta shrugged. "Of course, it's not what the spell is really supposed to do. But Magi Lune will fix you."

"You shrank us!?" Zak demanded.

"Catches on quick, doesn't he?" Batty smirked.

"We better buzz off," Crysta helped Cherry up. "It's getting late."

"Buzz off?" Zak questioned her slang. "I'm not buzzing anywhere, now unshrink us, and I mean now!"

Cherry tried to get up, but kept slipping in the drool.

"Well, I guess I could take a bash at it." Crysta replied, unsure.

"Take a bash?" Zak glanced at her. 

"Actually, I'm just sort of learning." Crysta shrugged.

"Great, we've been shrunk by an amateur!" Zak facepalmed.

"Hey, it could always be worse." Cherry grabbed a hold of the branch to keep herself supportive and up on her feet.

"Okay, come on, bash away." Zak allowed Crysta to experiment.

Cherry stepped away. She had enough amusing injuries for one day. 

"Okay," Crysta got her powers ready to zap Zak. "What was done, now undo, return you to the form that's true." she zapped her blue magic against Zak to turn him back to normal.

Zak grew tall for a moment, but hit his head against the higher branch and shrunk back down to three inches tall. His ears then grew big like an elephant. Batty was staying back with Cherry, finding all of this mildly entertaining. Zak even then grew a trunk and had gorilla arms after a few more blasts. Crysta's magic than made him grew a duck bill and a big butt. This wasn't working at all. Crysta really was an amatuer. 

"Oh, it's a Darwin's grab bag!" Batty pointed out.

"A what!?" Cherry eyed him strangely.

"Uh, let me try again." Crysta suggested.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Batty urged.

"No, no, no!" Cherry shook her head at them.

"Thank you, but I think maybe we better go see this Magi." Zak said, standing up on his feet. He then held out his hand to properly meet the fairy girl. "Thanks for trying, Crysta."

Crysta eyed his hand strangely. She then held out her own hand, not shaking his. She then flew off and went with Cherry and Zak to find the Magi. "You're going to love FernGully, it's the most beautiful, wonderful place in the forest. Well, come on, Batty can carry you."

Cherry yipped then dashed to follow Crysta. No way she was going to ride with Batty again. 

"Moi?" Batty questioned as he flew. "Uh-uh, not this little mammal. I'm just lucky that girl is thin as a rail! Fly that other human? I'd rather suck wax fruit!"

Cherry and Crysta rolled their eyes at Batty. They then kept moving along so they could find the Magi and put an end to this rainforest adventure.

Meanwhile, back at the camp. Whitney had gone in for a sandwich and snacks. She really needed a break. "Hm, I wonder where Zak and that girl are?" she wondered out loud.

Katie then stepped forward, wearing a black, villainess dress with long sleeves and her legs shown with black flat shoes with slight heel. 

"Oh, hey... umm..." Whitney greeted, but couldn't remember the girl's name.

"Katie." the older girl said, hypnotic.

"Right, have you seen my brother and your sister?"

Katie shook her head.

"Whatever, I tried." Whitney shrugged, then ate her sandwich.

Katie glanced at her, slowly blinking. She then turned and went to the bulldozer to where Ralph and Tony were. She then pulled herself up, surprising them with her clothes and they felt distracted and in her clutches. They could never say no to a pretty face, especially Katie's. And what's worse was that Katie was under the diabolical Hexxus's control. "Hey, boys..." Katie called, seductively.

Ralph and Tony shook and looked at Katie with content.

"Hi purdy ma'am!" Ralph greeted, tipping his hat.

"What can we do for you?" Tony asked, nearly swallowing his tongue.

"Could you big boys do me a big favor?" Katie asked, winking at one of them. "Could you two go to FernGully?"

"FernGully?" the men wondered.

"What's that? The little rainforest?" Ralph asked.

"Mm-hmm," Katie spun her finger in her hair, looking at them like a coy minx. "Please? It would be so special for me if you two would go there and destroy the little rainforest blocking the view..."

The men stammered and nodded obediently. Katie grinned evilly and hopped down from the machine to let the men do their work. 

"You are doing wonderful, my sweet, sweet angel." Hexxus's voice rang in Katie's ears. "You're going to make one big ugly smog cloud really happy."

"Thanks, Boss." Katie grinned, looking menacing.

"Sing it with me now!" Hexxus laughed. "You'll love my, Toxic Love."

"I think I already do." Katie grinned, rubbing her hands together. 

"That's a good girl." Hexxus grinned, forming closer to an actual face. "What a beautiful machine you humans have provided!"

"To slice a pack of doom with YOUR sweet breath to guide it!" Katie laughed wickedly.

Hexxus laughed with her and continued to control her mind.

Cherry and Katie Go To FerngullyWhere stories live. Discover now