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Dante didn't need to choke the hell out of me.

I breathed in deeply, shakily, trying to control myself from gasping for air.

I looked up at the sky and saw something move from the top of the storage units.

Two people. A girl and a guy—no fucking doubt they were Dante's kids sneaking in here.

The girl turned around and looked to be throwing up on top of those units—that is gross as shit. She's definitely got a weak stomach for this world.

Dante probably didn't tell her anything.

She's in for it now though. I smiled and snickered at the thought of torturing her with this.

Wait a damn minute.


She knows about the agreement.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Who fucking cares I guess?

I rolled my eyes and fixed my collar before jumping into the vehicle behind me.

"That went better than expected," Dimitri coughed as the car started back toward Manhattan.

My neck snapped at his words and I nearly spit at him.

"Better than expected? I almost died out there dick," I hissed as Dimitri smiled slightly.

"Almost. Key word Killian. Almost," he retorted lowly with hints of pleasure in his voice.

"Bet you loved to see Dante's hands at my throat," I scoffed as Dimitri turned to face me.

"One of my biggest competitors and rivals seconds away from killing you; such a marvel," he whistled in delight at the memory.

"Fuck you," I snorted as Dimitri flashed a charming smile.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Could you have joined our gangs in any other way than marriage?" I started. "Me marrying his daughter is a nightmare waiting to happen," I snorted as I looked straight ahead at the road.

"I suppose we could have just signed a few dotted lines and became allies, but there's no fun in that," he chuckled lightly. "One of my colleagues suggested marriage actually and I found it rather intriguing," he revealed as he gently rubbed his shaved face.

"Fuck my life over if it means it'll intrigue you," I grunted in disgust.

"Nevertheless, this truly is the only way to get close to the Vecellio's and crush them from the inside," Dimitri vaguely reveals.

"Are you trying to take The Wolves out by using Dante's daughter?" I asked skeptically as Dimitri smiled slightly.

"So what if I was?"

"Then you'd lose and everyone would die at the hands of Dante," I truthfully told him as his smile fell.

"Killian, you don't know half of what's coming..." Dimitri spoke aloud as I rolled his eyes.

"Torture for me is what's coming," I breathed out heavily as I stared out the window of the vehicle.

If his plan was to seriously use Dante's daughter to take him down, he's got another thing coming.

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