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"I was so hoping you wouldn't remember our little encounter, Dante," Xander spoke low and ominously. "I was so hoping to keep Rebecca out of our...dispute," he finishes as I finally turn around.

He was leaning against the locked door, smiling slightly and showing his teeth.

His arms were crossed and I noticed he held a knife in his left hand.

His eyes were hungry and wild and his stature reminded me so much of Lachlan in this moment and it was terrifying.

I wanted to run, or turn away, but his glare was preventing my body from moving.

I could hear the blood pounding behind my ears, and fear was taking over me, causing me to tremble.

"Why?" Is all I could choke out.

"Why? I think you should be asking why not?" Xander antagonized. "Why not betray the man that betrayed me?" He asked, putting thoughts into my head. "Has it really not been obvious? I mean, I've been feeding Lachlan information for a long time now."

"What do you mean?" I ask suddenly.

He started to pace back and forth, growing impatient by the second as he rambled in about his motives.

"Dante told me about you that day at the mansion. I left to keep myself from telling you. Lachlan found me at the bar and made me an offer. I refused back then and obviously lied about seeing him, but I still made sure to keep a close eye on you," he explained as he continued to pace. "Lachlan took an interest in me and I didn't understand why for a long time. Not until vital information was put into place," he laughed, like this entire situation was a game to him. "I was Lachlan's son."

"Just because you're his son doesn't mean you have to listen to whatever he tells you to do," I tried to reason as Xander chuckled at my statement.

"You think this is me following orders? Oh no no no," he shakes his head violently and gives me a large toothy grin. "Once I found out I was Lachlan's son, I became the mastermind. I staged the trade for me in exchange for you Rebecca. I mean, when Reese suggested it, it was almost so good I wish I'd have thought of it myself. And after I left with Lachlan at Central Park, he was so surprised at the show I had put on. I had everyone convinced I was sacrificing myself."

Xander pulled up a chair from the corner of the room and took a seat, his legs tired from all the pacing.

"When Reese and Morgan went to Ocean City, I checked it out just to find you there with Adam. He really was a marshmallow by the way," he giggled to himself. "But I also found Killian there, and I have been struggling to not beat his ass every time I see him."

"Why do you hate Killian?" I inquired hesitantly.

"He's not good for you Rebecca. You can't tell me that every moment since he stepped into your life has been good. Only the year away from him was good," he told me as I stayed quiet. "Exactly. Also, stop interrupting, we're just getting to the good parts. So I called Lachlan, he came to the club and the idiot missed his shot and didn't kill Killian. And then you were all gone again and my plan needed to speed up."

He stood up from the chair and began pacing again, spinning the knife over and over as he did so.

"I took Adam to lure you out and then I called Dante to lure him out so I could kill him. You were all pawns in my game, a means to an end if you will. I left Lachlan at the forefront because he was the only person on everyone's radar," he laughed even louder, just as a banging sound came from the door and the window next to it.

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