Chapter Twenty.

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Author's Note:

Okay you guys have every right to hate us forever because we're so bad at updating on time but I think we've both gotten inspired again and we want to start updating on a weekly basis again (i know we say this every week so that's another reason to hate us)

Here's the update though! We've got big plans coming up very very soon so please stick with us.

As always, we love every single one of you. You make us so happy. 

Enjoy this horribly late update!

- Steph and Meg.



I pull open the back door of the Chicago Illuminating Company, fully decorated in the tight black dress that I bought when Jade and I went shopping, black peep toe heels and extravagantly smoked eye makeup. I head directly for the narrow stairway to my right so I can clock in, seeing as my shift starts in only a few minutes.

Once I sign in, I descend the ankle-threatening stairs and make my way towards the kitchen, passing by Dan in the process. He nods at me in the hallway with a “Ms. Harrow.”

I don’t fail to notice the contrast of patterns between his pinstriped pants and plaid shirt and almost shudder. Instead, I simply reciprocate his greeting in a less formal fashion, “Dan.”

I watch him for a second, only to notice that he’s not planning on saying anything of importance, and never actually required my attention. I make a display of rolling my darkly lined eyes as I continue my path down the stairs.

In the kitchen, I check the schedule. It looks like we’re hosting another obnoxiously sophisticated corporate event. As I read over all of the expectations for tonight, an unimpressed sigh escapes my lips.

"Hey, you. This fan may be loud but I hear you sighing over there and it’s killing my buzz.” A thick Italian accent speaks from beside the stove.

With my mood instantaneously uplifted, I smile and turn to face Lenny. “Sorry, Len. It’s just been a long day.”

He flips the mushrooms and onions being sautéed in a pan and then walks closer to me, wiping brown sauce from his hands on to his large belly. “I learned the first time not to ask for the details so I’m not gonna ask. But what I will do is give you a hug and send you on your way to find Jade.”

My smile brightens once I’m reminded that Jade and Katie will also be working tonight. I open my arms and reciprocate Lenny’s hug. He kisses me on the head and then spins me around to face the doors leading in to the dining hall. “You’ll be okay, Doll. Now stop it with the moping!”

I laugh when Lenny gives me a nudge, silently telling me to go start setting up for the event. Before I push open the flimsy white doors, I turn around and blow him a kiss, “Thanks Lenny.”

From his position back at the stove, he catches my kiss and puts it in the pocket of his once white chefs coat. I laugh again as I enter the dining hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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