Chapter One.

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There's a knock at the door as my mother enters the bedroom that most people would describe as quaint. It's really just small. I mean it's not abnormally miniscule in comparison to the neighbourhood average, I just seem to be the only one who sees it for what it is; small.

Everybody seems so embarrassed by the word when living in the dull regions of a big city, like Chicago. They create terms like quaint, modest, and comfortable, to describe their apartments as they dream of a day when they can move away without a backward glance. In reality, everything is simply just small.

The term 'small' isn't really as poisonous as the majority thinks. In fact, I like it.

Living with my self-proclaimed hippy of a mother, I grew up with small. I would consecutively bring one stuffed animal to show-and-tell, whereas the other kids had a new one to show every week. I didn't get Internet until I was fifteen, whereas all of my friends were raised on it. I didn't even get my first cellphone until last year, which my mother claimed was only because I needed it for work. I never had anything that would demand more than the space that we live in, so I'm happy with small.

My family is small, too. Just me and my mother, who had me when she was young enough that she might as well be my sister.

She walks in to my bedroom and moves some clothes, making space to sit on the edge of my bed before asking, "Where are you headed tonight, August?"

"Take a wild guess." I smile at her through the rectangular mirror leaning against the wall as I prod at my ear, trying to find the hole that belongs to the golden earring in my hand.

"You're going clubbing," she states just as I reach for my second earring. Her guess isn't completely ridiculous, considering my outfit, but her smirk tells me she isn't serious.

Finished with my earrings, I return to taming my hair, struggling to perfect an 'effortless-yet-sophisticated' up-do. Forming my words around the bobby pin held between my teeth, I say, "as if I would even get in to a club."

"Who knows, I got in to quite a few when I was nineteen - and that was even after I had you. If you wore something black and revealing, like that dress," she gestures to my midsection, "I bet they wouldn't even ask you for ID." My mother laughs, reminiscing her rambunctious teenaged years.

"It's a shame I'm only going to work." I feign disappointment, focusing most of my attention on balance as stand up onto my high heels.

"Why you dress like that to work, I will never understand." She says with humour in her voice.

For what must be the hundredth time I state, "My boss demands it and it brings in tips, Mother," as if it's obvious. I step over to my dresser, grabbing my phone and clicking the bottom button to check the time.

3:28 PM.

"Alright, I've got to go." I say, opening my arms for a hug.

"Sure. I'll see you later tonight, Butterfly." She says, returning my embrace. She kisses my cheek and says, "I love you and be safe," before placing her arms back to her side with a sweet smile.

"I love you too, Ladybug." I smile before placing my cellphone in my bag, walking across the apartment to grab my keys, and heading for my car.

The drive in to town seems to take longer than usual, and not because I stopped to pick up dinner at Joe's Burgers - avoiding the vegan meal my mother would have prepared for me - because I do that more often than not. The drive in to town seems longer tonight because I'm dreading what task lies ahead of me.

I work for an upscale, and very expensive, catering business called the Chicago Illuminating Company. We rent out the building to rich, over dramatic and accentuated parties, ranging from sweet sixteen's, to business get-togethers, and even to the occasional wedding.

I usually don't mind my job, but tonight my absolute asshole of a boss will be there, and Jade - my best friend, and the only decent employee - won't be.

Once I pull up to my space in the back parking lot, I get out of the car, tugging my dress down my thighs. I lock the car door, simply out of habit - I doubt anybody would steal an old rusty Geo - then step towards the small edifice.

I'm in the building all of three seconds before I'm greeted by Dan, my boss. He stands in a light blue and white pinstriped dress shirt with his arms crossed. A thin golden band constricts his left ring finger. Why anybody would marry him, to me, is unfathomable. His attire contrasts with the sharp, orange and white design of the room around us.

"Two minutes later and you would have been tardy, Ms. Harrow." He uses his height as an advantage to glare down at me while he speaks.

"But I wasn't, so I'm not." I counter, grabbing my black half-apron from my locker and tying it around my hips.

"I would suggest you change your work habits, or else you won't be an employee here for much longer, August."

I resist the temptation to smirk at the empty threat; Dan has been bombarding me with them for nearly all of the two years since he became my manager.

"You aren't setting a very good example for your trainee." He continues, lazily letting his eyes trail over my chest.

I see that the contents of my mind and dazzling personality have kept his interest yet again. I open my mouth to slap him in the face, but just as his previous sentence hits me, my words take another course.


Only then do I notice the girl beside him, meek and nervous. She's standing with her toes angled toward each other and she's got one arm draped across her stomach, holding it in place by the elbow with her other hand. Her face is a freckle-strewn shade of pale, accented by bright green eyes and a humble, peaked nose. Her russet hair is pulled back by an elastic band, but still somehow seems to be flying in any and every direction it pleases.

"Hi. I'm Katie." She says, glancing at my eyes for only a fraction of a second.

"August." I return her greeting with a smile before glaring at Dan for not informing me of my company sooner.

"Now that you two are acquainted, I trust that you will follow the specifications of tonight's event and have everything organized by seven?" There's a hint of forced authority in his tone. "The hosts will be here at eight," he informs us before turning and gaiting towards his office.

"And I trust that you will continue to follow the specifications of how to be a completely self absorbed jackass, Mr. Stanley." I mutter.

Katie giggles from my right. I turn to her and look directly in to her eyes with the most serious face I can gather. "If you're going to survive working here, the first thing you'll need to know is that he," I nod in the direction of Dan's office, "is the single most appalling person you will ever meet."


Author's Note

Hey guys! This is our first fanfiction, we're going to try to post on a consistent weekly schedule. We'd love to know what you think so far so comment if you want to!

Hope you enjoy!

-Meg and Steph.

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