||Ralsei ♡||

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      You and Ralsei were walking around the Underworld.  Ralsei is a Prince of a ghost town.  It very quiet around there. But that okay for you and him. The sound of nothing helps you relax, for the both of you.

"Hey Y/N? What's is like to be above in the surface?" Ralsei asked you,  you were from the surface after all.

"It's very warm,  but it beautiful outside,  day and night.  Humans and monsters live together in peace.  All humans and monsters go to school together" You describe to him.  He seemed surprised to hear about the surface.  Well who wouldn't,  he been stuck here,  probably for a long time.

"Oh,  That sound very nice" He said with a soft kind voice. You smile and nodded,  Ralsei is a very sweet boy,  he will never hurt someone. 

"Hey Ralsei? What do you do in your spare time?" You asked him.  He puts his hands on his chin and began to think.

"I really don't know,  I been alone for a long time.. " he told you in a sad voice. It true.  Ralsei had been alone for a long time,  waiting for you, Susie, and Kris.  He had nothing but wait for all of you.

Your face went into a sad state.  You hugged Ralsei,  feeling his warmth coming with yours.  Ralsei yelp, blushing hard from his cheeks.

"Y-Y/N!" he stammer out. You hushed him with a peck on his lips. That caused him to blush more,  but smile.  "o-oh, that was nice" he said as he returned the hug.  You smile and rub his back.

You will be his princess/Prince forever,  and he loves that.

°Deltarune x Reader Oneshots° (Requests open)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat