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Jake's p.o.v

Okay so I was talking to Sam and I just kinda blared out that I like his sister. Wow. Great fucking job Jake, you're fucking stupid. "Wait really?" He asked. "Yeah I know, I can't do anything about it because no matter how many times I try and get over her she's just there and I'm jealous of Colby, and if (y/n) and I ever dated I'd be a shitty boyfriend compared to Colby. He's given her pretty much everything she could ask for and I can't do that. I know I'm just ranting on about this but I can't help it. I don't want them to break up because I know they're both really happy and shit but I want to be happy too with someone j really really care about like her-" "woah Jake calm down" Sam said. "Sam I just don't know what to do" I said. "I don't know either, what about Tara?" He asked. "I don't even know, I like her but not really in that way, she's like my best friend" I said. "Well I don't know what you're going to do then" he said. "I'm just stupid, like why would someone as beautiful as (y/n) like me" I sighed plopping down on his couch. "You're not stupid Jake" "yes I am, (y/n) is so happy and I want to ruin her happiness by wanting to be with her... I should be happy that she is.. But I can't do that, I'm too busy thinking about myself. I want to be with her, I need to understand that I'm not the one she wants... Her and Colby just deserves to be happy" I really want to cry. I don't know why, she just does something to me. Her beautiful bright (e/c) eyes are stunning and if I could I would just stare at them all day long. Her smile is adorable, her laugh is so contagious, and I know I shouldn't be thinking of her this way. Colby would hate me forever, and I think he knows I like her which is why we haven't talked in awhile. "Jake I don't really know how to help you with this, I know you really like (y/n) but I guess all that you can do it is just try and find someone who makes you happy" he said. "I'm trying" I said. "That's the best I can do" I sighed. "Hey why don't we do something to get your mind off this?" He said. "Yeah" I smiled. *time skip*

After playing some games and shit we were on our phones just looking at a bunch of memes our fans made for us and they're all so funny. Then someone knocked on the door. "Ugh people" Sam said getting up and opening the door.

Colby's p.o.v

"Look!" "Oh my god it's a puppy!" Sam smiled. "What?" Jake said. "Jake come meet my child!" (Y/n) smiled walking in. "Oh my god puppers" Jake said getting up. "What's his name?" Sam asked. (Okay you can change his name if you want, or ya know make it a girl but this is what I'm naming my next dog that I'm never going to get because my mom won't let me XD) "Well Colby wanted to name him Sparky but I wanted to name him Scraps and I won so this is Scraps" she smiled. (Yes Sparky from Frankinweenie and Scraps from The corpse bride, wow I'm emo XD) "Wow sis, great name choice" Sam chuckled. "Lemme hold him" Jake smiled. (Y/n) handed Scraps to him and he licked his face a lot. "Oh my god I'm stealing him" Jake laughed. "Bitch no you have E.T!" "Well that's my son, I want yours"  he chuckled turning away. "Um no" she grabed the hood on his  hoodie and pulled. "Fuck" he gagged a little. "Jesus don't choke me" he said and gave Scraps back to (y/n). "You literally did that to me when I tried to take your son" she said. Um what? Did I hear that correctly? "Oh whatever" he chuckled. *time skip*

After Kat showed up and met Scraps we left after a little. Corey and Devyn are coming over later to meet Scraps too, then Aaron and Tori are bringing bringing Buddy to meet Scraps tomorrow. Brennen and Kobe already met him ealrier and Kobe and Scraps love each other so it's great. (Y/n) was so happy and was following Scraps around as he explored.

(Okay so pretty much if you haven't seen the corpse bride you won't understand this part, but if you haven't just please go watch it, just do it XD)

"So does this make me Victor and you Emily?" I chuckled. "As long as there's no Victoria in this version" she said. "Didn't plan on it" I said. "Good" she chuckled.

(Y/n)s p.o.v

I'm so happy now that we have a puppy. I can't he's so cute and perfect and he's our son and I love him. I literally started crying when I saw him because have you ever seen such a cute little baby puppers like him? And it's perfect because he's a (doggo breed) just like i wanted and oh my god. "Wait" I said. "What?" Colby asked looking at me. "Who's taking him out in the middle of the night when he needs to pee?" I chuckled. "I'll do it" he said. "Knowing you you won't wake up" I chuckled. "Oh whatever" he chuckled and laid his head back on mine and he went back to petting Scraps. "My babies" I smiled. He just smiled and kissed my head. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I smiled and took his other hand. "Damn baby your hands are cold" he said taking both of them. Scraps barked and it was the cutest thing ever. "Oh my god, he's cute!" I said and pet him. "Awe" Colby chuckled. "I love him" he said. "I love him too, he's perfect" I said and Scraps yawned and put his head down. "He really is" he said. "Yeah" I smiled. "So... About what you said earlier" he said. "What?" I asked. "About how Jake choked you" "Colby he pulled on my hood just like I did to him, it wasn't like that" I said. "Why didn't you tell me? When did that happen?" "It happend like a month before we moved out" "Why didn't you tell me?" "It's not like he hurt me or anything, he just did it because we were messing around. Why does it even matter?" "Because" "You still think he likes me don't you?" "(Y/n) he does" he said. "Colby, just forget about it. How many times do I have to say it? I love you and only you" I said. "I'm sorry I just, I don't want to lose you" "I know I don't want to lose you either, but you don't have to worry about any other guy because I'm only a hoe for you" I chuckled. "I know, I'm a hoe for you too" he chuckled.

~Taylor signing off 👻

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