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"so is there a meaning for it?" Colby asked. "Well yeah. But I'm going to make a video about it later" "Cool" "Kay I'll be back guys" Sam said "say hi to Kat for me" I said. "Kay" he walked out. "Well I'm going to do video now. If you want you can join" I said. "Sure" he smiled.

*Time skip*

"Hai guys I'm here with Colby cause why not and you read the title and yes I got a tattoo" I showed it. "Yeah, Sam and the guys were so worried because I left the house this morning without telling them where I went" "Yeah cause Sam said 'I'm gonna die if mom finds out I lost (y/n) ' it was funny but we were worried" Colby said. "Sam called me like where the hell are you? And I'm just like I'm in the driveway" "yeah and I was thinking you did something else at first" "Yeah, and you asked me if there was a meaning and so this is basically what this video is about" "So 'Regular' teens probably like the music that is in the pop or rap genres and me being the emo fuck I am I like rock (Basically me)" "well I mean it's not really 'Regular' cause I like rap and rock so it's not stereotypically 'Regular' " he said "I know but back in Kansas all the students in my grade like the rap and pop stuff and I'm over in the corner listening my mcr, I was kinda the outcast in my grade" "And there's nothing wrong with that" Colby added. "Yeah I liked being a outcast cause I can be myself without having to really worry about how I dressed, or wore my hair, or the people I was friends with. And I did have friends who liked rap and stuff and this idoit right here " "hey" he sounded offended. "I mean basically I just didn't like music that a lot of people listen to now, and one of my favorite bands Sleeping with sirens have this song called The Strays and I really connect with the song cause I was pick on for being 'Different' "  "And I've seen this, and it's also happened to Sam and i" "Yeah my only friends were you and sam but the I made friends" I said. "Yeah" "And that's why I basically got the tattoo Because I love the song and yee" I smiled. "Well guys see you in the next one" I waved "baii" I Colby and I said. I stood up and turned off the camera. "Well I'm gonna go for a swim, you can come if you want" he said. "Ye-fuck" "what?" "I can't go swimming cause of this" I pointed to my tattoo. "Oh yeah" "I mean I could go in if I held my arm above my head like an idoit" "I mean, you could do that" "No I'll just probably dip my feet in the water" "well you don't have to come" he said. "I don't care, I probably should have went swimming before I got this but whatever" I said going out the back door.

~Taylor sighing off 👻

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