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Eventually it didn't bother me, like he's mine. Colby Brock is my boyfriend, mine. Like I don't want to rub it in or anything but he's mine and it's gonna stay that way for a long time. I smiled looking up at him seeing that he was asleep. I nuzzled my face back into his chest and closed my eyes. *time skip*

About an hour later I got up to pee, peed, went to go get a drink then got back in bed and cuddled up to Colby since he's like a human heater I smiled closing my eyes trying to go back to back to bed but of course I couldn't great. I sighed sitting up. I yawned running my hands through my hair. My body hates me. I laid back down and tried to get comfortable again. Eventually I kinda did and closed my eyes and I managed to get back to sleep. *time skip*

I just can't sleep. It's fucking almost 5am and I'm still wide awake. Ugh come on really? This is bullshit. I'm just on my phone because there's nothing better to do this early in the morning. Ughhh. I just have to like force myself to go to bed or something. I mean I could bang my head against the wall really hard a couple of times or something to see if I can knock myself out. But lets be honest that wouldn't help either. Ugh what am I gonna do? I got up and went out on the balcony. The sun doesn't rise until like an hour knowing me I'll still be up by then. I sighed going back inside. *time skip again, I know I'm annoying*

Eventually I did go to bed around like 5:30ish slept like three hours and now it's eight. I love my sleep schedule so much. It's not fair Colby sleeps like a fucking rock every night and lately I've been up all night. I love running off like four hours of sleep a night. Great. I mean I might as  well just get up and start the day. You know maybe go to the gym for once in my life, knowing Colbs he's going to be sleeping like all morning so yeah. I got some clothes and went and got in the shower, turned on some music because it's a necessity. I did the normal shower things and after awhile I just sat down, laid my head against the wall and closed my eyes for a little. *time skip*

Colby's p.o.v

I yawned reaching over for (Y/n) but she wasn't there. Aw come on where'd she go? "Baby?" I asked but no answer. I yawned getting out of bed. I walked out to the hallway and heard the shower going. "Babe?" I asked opening the door. "(Y/n)?" I asked walking over and pulling the curtain back. There she was, her knees up to her chest with her head back against the wall. I chuckled a little and turned off the water. "Baby" I shook her a little to try and wake her up. Her eyes opened slowly and yawned. "You kinda fell asleep there" I smiled. "Yeah I guess" she rubbed the back of her neck. "Now my neck hurts" she groaned a little. "I'm sorry, here" I held out my hand for her. "Thanks" she said taking it as I helped her up. "Welcome" I smiled and kissed her. "Now go" she chuckled. "Why?" I smirked. "Because" she turned me around and tried to push me towards the door. "Oh come on" I chuckled. "It's too early for this, let me get dressed" she said pushing me out of the bathroom. "But you look better like that" "you know I hate you sometimes right"  "I'm being honest" "Yeah, yeah I'll be right out" she closed and locked the door. I smiled and walked out to the kitchen and looked for something to eat. But you know I can't eat the one thing I want. Ha get it. *smol time skip*

(Y/n)s p.o.v

I got dressed, and yay I'm off my period. I mean I think, normally it's longer but my body knows I'm a slut so yee. I went out to the living room and saw Colbs loving up on Scraps. My bois. "Hey babe I have an idea" he smiled as I sat down next to him. "And that is?" "Let's go on a road trip" "to where?" I asked. "Anywhere you want. I was thinking we could see if Sam wanted to come and bring Kat, or do you just want it to be us?" "Let's ask them and if they don't want to come it can just be us" "Sounds good" he smiled. Jesus every time he does my heart like melts because have you ever seen a cuter smile? I think not. "You're cute" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I know" he smiled like an idiot. See he's adorable. I chuckled and messed with his hair. "So when did you get in the shower?" He asked. "Oh well so, I had a rough night. I got like four hours of sleep and I got in at like eight" "awe baby I'm sorry" he said. "Eh it's fine" "I'm still sorry" he kissed my cheek. "Babe it's fine" I smiled. "So, what do you wanna do today?" I asked. "No clue yet, what do you want to do?" "I don't know" "well that doesn't help us" he chuckled. "I mean I have an idea but you might hate me for it" "what?" "So you know that videos that Sam and Kat did?" "My wallets going to hurt after this but sure" "we Don't have too, I was joking. Maybe" "Well we could do that for a video, or I was thinking while we're on the road trip we could film some of it" "When exactly do you wanna go?" "I don't really know, I'm not that smart to think ahead. Well for somethings I do" he smiled taking my hand making me blush.

~Taylor signing off 👻

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