The Unexpected Alliance

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The next morning I woke up to see everything ready. I got ready and went downstairs to the lobby. Bryan looked so ready and was again going around checking everything.

Bryan: "We are good to go in thirty minutes".

Jacob: "Perfect, let's do this". I sat in my car with Bryan and all the army was also settled in the cars. We moved towards the Vice Lords Mansion. On our way, a policeman stopped my car.

Policeman: "Sir, what is all this".

Jacob: "Can't you see, it's time for war".

Policeman: "If you know something about an agreement you signed which stated that no violence will occur in the city".

Jacob: "Where the hell did the agreement go when Vice Lords killed my sister"?

Police: "You are doing something big, there is no comparison to both events".

Jacob: "What is your name"?

Policeman: "Elliot, but why did you ask".

Jacob: "Elliot, do you really like your job because if you do, then I think it will hurt if you get fired". I pulled up the button of the window and closed it. We continued our movement. Behind the mansion, there was a huge free space occupied by Vice Lords where they usually did their violent business. We decided to stop the cars there. I got out of the car with my army behind me. The back door of the mansion opened and I saw a skinny man wearing a coat and having cigarette coming out unarmed.

Skinny man: "Hello Mr. Jack".

Jacob: "Who are you"?

Dan: "You can call me Dan, I am Mr. Ronnie's assistant, so Jack do you really want this".

Jacob: "Should I give it to you in written form now".

Dan: "You are still joking but don't worry, we will make a joke out of you".

Jacob: "I give you ten more minutes to get ready or else we will attack".

Dan: "So you do it with rules, I am impressed".

Jacob: "Clock is ticking for you". He went back inside and it was just five minutes that he came back armed himself. A few seconds later a huge army of Vice Lords gathered around in groups, this army was five times bigger than ours.

Bryan: "Oh my God, this was unexpected, I think we can't make out of it alive now".

Jacob: "What do you mean"?

Bryan: "What do I mean? Just look at them they are five times more than us, you remember what happened last time, we were more but we still lost". Jacob: "Last time was different Bryan, I'll tell you something. My mother came into my dream and told me something about wrong and right paths. I think she means that last time I was on a wrong path but this time I feel and I know that I am on the right one so there is nothing that can stop us from winning".

I was watching the opposite army and was waiting for someone.

Bryan: "Shall we start"?

Jacob: "No, just wait". After I said this I heard car's brake sound coming from behind. They were fifteen red cars. My army turned around and aimed towards them.

Jacob: "Stop! No one will shoot".

Bryan: "Are we waiting for them to shoot us". Then came a person out of the car.

Bryan: "What in the world is Peter doing here".

Jacob: "The same thing we are doing". Bryan looked at me in shock as Peter came towards me. The Sicilians army came out of the cars and joined us.

Peter: "looks like we are up against something huge, let's do this shall we"? Jacob: "Let's go". We all looked in the eyes of the enemy and were ready to start.  

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