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"How do you feel?"

"I feel okay."

What a weird question. 'How do you feel?' Am I supposed to feel a certain way? I feel fine. Is there.. some other answer I'm supposed to have? Some other answer he was expecting?

"Do you feel like a different person than you were before?"

"I still love you, if that's what you mean."

I try to laugh it off, but he's smart, so of course he knows something's up.

He cups my face in his hand, smiling softly, and I lean into it, "I know we're the strangest pair of people, but we've gotta communicate like all the normals or we'll never get anywhere."

"I know, I just don't know if the way I'm feeling has.. a word." I'm happy, I'm beyond happy.

So many things just happened in the last couple hours and all of it has been unbelievable.

So it's extra hard to find words to describe how I feel.

"Well, let's recount the events that've taken place today. Tyler finally asked out that guy, Josh. Though, I guess we all kind of saw that one coming," A smile starts creeping onto his face and I can't help smiling back, "Elizabeth and her little coven masquerading as a book club invited us to a tea party on Saturday that will consist entirely of Long Island iced tea. A good time if I've ever heard of one." He's not wrong. Although, we'll probably have to invest in some What To Do at a Witch Tea Party books because I have no idea what the etiquette is, "And, hm..." As if he has to think about the two most important things that have happened today, "What else?" Gee, I wonder. "Oh! That's right. Pete bought your salon back in exchange for you signing on to his label so you can be the next Hannah Montana and get the best of both worlds. Does that sound amazing to you or am I alone on this one, dear?"

"Yeah, yeah." I chuckle and tackle Ryan onto the bed while we burst into giggles, "You suck."

"And yet, for whatever reason, you love me."

Again, he's not wrong.

"That's very true," I give him a quick peck on the lips before I roll off of him and stars up at the ceiling, grinning from ear to ear. "It's just... insane, y'know? My life turned around so quickly," He sneaks his fingers in between mine, "All because of you."

"Well, not all because of me," Ryan glances over at the nightstand where my phone is constantly blinking while it's charging, "I'm most certainly not the sole reason why your phone is blowing up."

I sigh contently as I sit up and he rolls over to unplug the phone and hand it to me, "Let's see.. Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr," For whatever reason, I never deleted it after 2007, but it has come in handy since then so... I stand by my decision to keep it, "I haven't even told people yet! Oh, wait, Pete tweeted about it. That makes sense."

"Speaking of Pete, should we go help Elizabeth with the muffins she's making for the thank you basket?" She's making a muffin basket? That's- That's pretty on par for her, honestly. She could probably open up a pastry shop if she wanted to. And it's Phoenix so people would totally love it!

"We should, yeah, but we've got one more thing to do, don't you think?" I'm trying to hide my smile as Ryan sit up and cocks an eyebrow at me, "Oh, come on," I playfully nudge his shoulder, "You know."

"Honey, trust me, I'm clueless and you know how rare that is for me," I cannot tell if he's being sarcastic or not. I love my curly-haired crooner more than anyone else in the entire world, but if anyone is all-knowing in this house, it is the kitchen witch and no one else, "Let me into that beautiful mind of yours?"

Boulevard Dreamer (Ryden) Where stories live. Discover now