The Light Bulb

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Tess's POV--

My heart stopped when I saw Haley. She stood right as I was walking past and I swear it took everything in me not to kiss those luscious lips of hers. I saw sadness in her eyes and she looked at me and I couldn't help but feel it was my fault. She didn't owe my sister anything and she bought her drink out of the kindness of her heart. She was more than just easy on the eyes, she was a good person. "Ugh" I thought to myself as I realized how much more desirable she became to me.

Elizabeth said in a stern voice, "WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL THAT ABOUT?" I knew exactly what she meant. She had been a lesbian since she was 11 and had the best gaydar of any gay person I knew. I had come to tell her I broke things off with Matt, but now it looks like I'll be telling her about my feelings for Haley instead. How was I going to tell her when I don't even understand it for myself?

"I don't know how to explain this because I'm still trying to understand it," I told her. I explained how she was my student and I had always been physically attracted to her. I mentioned our run ins outside of school and the time she helped me out and brought me flowers for my birthday. "She graduates on Saturday."

Elizabeth said with some kind of mischievous tone in her voice, "Then she won't be your student." A smile crossed her face and it's as if she forgot about Matt entirely. As if reading my mind, "If Matt's not already out of the picture, he should be. I haven't seen you look at someone or talk about someone the way you do with Haley in years, maybe ever." Just like that as if someone turned on a light bulb I had clarity about what I felt for her, but it still didn't mean I was comfortable with it. She was 26 and I'm 40. It was crazy to think about her and I together. It was both scary and sexy the longer I thought about the two of us.

"I don't even know if she's into me Liz, maybe I'm looking into things too much."

"You're kidding me right? You guys were inches from each others face and neither of you felt uncomfortable enough to move. She went between scolding you to eye-fucking you every time you talked. I'll tell you one thing, though you scare her. She wants you close but keeps you at arm's length when you try," Elizabeth said.

Haley's POV--

I passed my exam and all that was holding me back from being done with school was this walk across the stage to get my masters. I had met some of the best friends a girl could ask for, and I had such a supportive graduating class that I knew I'd keep in contact with all of them after graduation. After three hours in heels, I had to take them off for pictures. I was surround by family and friends when I read a text from Tess that said, "I'm so proud of you for everything you've done. You look gorgeous." I looked up from my phone without responding and looked into the crowd. I couldn't help but wonder if she was there somewhere looking at me even though I couldn't see her. She was no longer my professor, but was she anything?

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