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      Fall semester came around and Haley couldn't help but be disappointed that she didn't have class with Tess again until her final semester in the spring. At least she had Arizona to look forward to. Her Great-Aunt always expected Haley for her annual visit around the fall. Arizona was amazing and her aunt's house was surrounded by mountains and beautiful sunsets. It was that time of year where it was the perfect weather. It was warm enough to swim, but not humid to where her hair was a mess, and the nights were cool enough to sleep with the windows open. During the afternoons, Haley got to hike, swim and explore while the evenings were spent dancing, drinking, and gambling in the casinos. She would make the mornings specifically for whatever work her aunt needed on the house or her car. From cutting tree branches to doing oil changes and managing the garden, Haley lived for these moments. She felt peace and a connection to Arizona that she couldn't describe. Maybe it was the environment or the fact that she had Native American ancestors in her blood line. Whatever it was, she was reminded every visit why she wanted to live there and raise a family.

      Coming back to cool temperatures and the colors changing in the leaves brought Haley back to reality. She sat in her car finishing a smoothie before heading into the building. She was tired of having to go straight from internship to class and the sad country music playing on her radio wasn't helping. She had another hour before class started and none of her classmates were there yet, but she decided to go into the building anyway to warm up. As she stepped out of her car, someone else pulled into the parking lot. "Finally, at least I won't have to sit alone and wait." Haley thought. She walked to the door and opened it, feeling it get lighter to hold as she realized someone behind her was holding it open for her. Realizing who it was, Haley quickly grabbed the second door to hold it open for Tess. "She must be teaching another class the same night I have class," Haley thought. How could she pass up an opportunity to be in close enough proximity to her to take in the faint smell of her perfume? Tess seemed to be lost in thought and didn't realize that Haley was backing up to hold the door open for her to go first rather than walk through and push the door open behind her. She walked right into the back of Haley, almost knocking both of them down. Tess placed her right hand on the small of Haley's back and grabbed her arm with her left hand in an attempt to steady her. A shock spread through Haley's body at the touch of her hands. She seemed to get her balance back, but Tess, still in disbelief, maintained a firm hold on Haley before their eyes met and Tess realized she was still holding her. She quickly released her and walked away.

Tess's POV--

I have so much on my mind I couldn't even pay attention to what was right in front of me. How could I let myself be so caught up that I'd run into the back Haley?! She was just opening the door for me. As if that wasn't bad enough I still kept holding onto her even after I knew she wasn't going to fall. I need to get my crap together. I'm so embarrassed that all I could think to do was walk away and pretend it didn't happen.

I feel so guilty for acting like that towards Haley. I better go make sure she's okay and apologize for running into her and then ignoring her. I hope she doesn't bring up how long I held her. For some reason, I just found myself not being able to pull away.

Haley's POV--

What the hell just happened? One minute I feel her hands on me the next she's being awkward and ignoring me. What was up with her today? As much as I hate seeing her not acting like herself, I can't help but enjoy the experience that happened. Of course I was wearing a long sleeve shirt and didn't get feel the softness of her skin on mine, but something about the way she grabbed my arm made me feel like she was protective of me. 

I was texting my sister about the experience when Tess found a seat next to me on the couch. By the way she was sitting and looking at me, she was demanding my attention, even though it never takes much for her to get it. "I want to apologize for running into you earlier and grabbing you the way I did. I just didn't want you to fall and then I left because I was frustrated with myself." I turned my whole body towards her to where our knees could touch at any moment if either of us moved. I leaned in a little to express my sincerity and to my surprise she didn't back away. I told her, "We all have off days, I didn't take it personally. I just hope if you need to talk about anything you'd be comfortable enough to confide in me, even if I'm you're student; I'm a pretty good listener." She stood up and held my gaze as I watched her slowly back away with a smirk on her face and in that moment I knew that she knew I would be at her beck and call if she needed someone. She was such a tease and she didn't even realize it.

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