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      Haley, Angie, and Jennifer got together the week before the last week of summer classes to celebrate and relax before starting fall semester of classes. They went to a local bar for happy hour and some good laughs. Jennifer and Angie talked about the cute guys sitting on the opposite side of the bar and wondered if they should approach them. Haley laughed to herself knowing that the to guys were a couple, but decided it would be better to let them figure that own on their own. The girls sipped on martinis, but Haley was more of a orange juice and Bacardi girl. They shared a couple of appetizers and drank until they all felt a nice buzz. It was always easy to tell when Haley was tipsy because she'd start singing along to the 80s music on the radio. Thirty minutes later Angie found herself tipsy enough to boost her confidence to get ready to move seats when she saw the guys get their dessert only to have one of them feed the other and kiss the whipped cream off his lips. Haley couldn't compose her laughter as she told the girls she had known all along. "You were going to let me look like an idiot," she scolded. "No, I was simply going to let you dream a little longer. I would have stopped you before you walked over there", said Haley. When Haley was with people she was comfortable with, you'd never know she was an introvert. She could be just as big of a smart ass and a talker as the next person. Her issue was trust. She questioned the intentions of other people and was afraid of being hurt. She didn't open up to many people and it took a special kind of person to stick around long enough to break down her walls and get to know who she truly was. The question was what kind of person was Tess?

     Haley looked forward to going to class all week. She sat at a table eating a banana and a Kashi bar for dinner while everyone else seemed to be leaving for break and going to pick up food at nearby restaurants. It was an hour before class started and all Haley could do was think about the conversation she and Tess never had about her site. Feeling disappointed and lost in her thoughts she heard someone from across the room say, "Hi Haley." After 2 months, she knew that voice by heart before she even looked up to see Tess walking towards her. She was in a pair of tight blue jeans with heels and cut off button up shirt. Her arms and legs were tone. She definitely worked out and took care of her body, Haley thought. The sound of Tess's keys hitting the floor startled her. As Tess bent down to pick them up, Haley could see perfectly down her shirt. She knew she shouldn't, but she didn't have the will power to stop herself. It wasn't so much about her boobs as it was about seeing parts of Tess that no one else really got to see. Haley preferred a woman with a nice ass rather than nice boobs and she fit that description pretty well. Once she picked up her keys, she sat down next to her and said, "You still owe me a conversation. How about tonight after class if you're not busy after?" Haley had been waiting for her to ask that all semester.

      Haley's POV--

Jennifer texted me as she was walking out of the room and said , "Try not to embarrass yourself this time." I laughed and whispered ass hole as I finished gathering my things. I could feel Tess's eye on my back as I fidgeted with my belongings. I couldn't keep this up any longer before she knew I was avoiding her. I walked to the front of the room and leaned against the table. She finished up with the computer and slowly walked over to me. I caught a hint of her perfume that was only noticeable because of how close she was.

I watched her lips move with every word she said. I wondered what it would be like to kiss her, imagining she would be a great kisser. The more she talked, the more comfortable I felt. Slowly I felt myself putting my guard down and slowly I realized how close I was allowing myself to scoot closer to her. Twenty minutes went by before we had to stop our conversation since it was already 10. We walked to our cars together before she thanked me for being open to talking with her and allowing her to get to know me. I started my car as I watched her walk to hers, just to make sure she was safe.

How could I possibly get her voice out of my head and how could I possibly have opened up as much as I did to her. This woman was doing something to me that no one else has ever been able to in a short period of time. I need to star being careful. There's no way someone could be this genuine and caring about a complete stranger.

    Tess's POV--

Was she avoiding me? Why couldn't she say no if she didn't want to have a conversation? I have so many questions and no answers. I found myself sighing in frustration and hoping Haley didn't think it was because of her... even if it was

Haley was opening up to me a little, something that surprised me given how guarded I saw her in class. There was something about her body movements and the way she looked at me that gave me a weird feeling inside, although I couldn't pinpoint what it meant.

As we walked to our cars, I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed her company. She's my student but it felt like I was talking to one of my friends. Yet, I'm not sure what is going through her head. One minute she's distant with me and hardly looks at me, the next she's shows me a little of who she is and never takes her eyes off me. What is it with her? She was quickly becoming one of the most complicated yet interesting people I've ever met.

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