Three: Mac and Cheese

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: youssraz

Here's another chappy for you! Yes, only for you my lovely readers! Here comes my FMC, Ollie! (She's on the media by the way. Dedicated to @blueskyhorse for adding this story to her reading list. Thank you! ♥)


Is there really anything better than a cozy Saturday?

Putting on an apron, picking a pack of instant macaroni and cheese, boiling it on a casserole of water. Then you lay in bed for an hour or two after you satisfy yourself, rubbing your tummy in joy.

I might say yes, just with Mac and Cheese, my life's complete. I could eat it every day.

I live on an apartment dwelling in Park Avenue together with my best friend Sandra. Speaking of her, I didn't notice if she came home last night or not. But I have a strong feeling she didn't. Yesterday's Friday, it's her party night. She'll probably show up later at ten or not at all.

Humming some random tune, I gradually poured the powdered cheese on the casserole. Making me hungrier with the scent coming out from it.

The spoon circled on a creamy macaroni, just a little pinch of sugar, spice and everything nice and it's done. But the spoon flipped over on my hand when I heard a loud bang, distracting off my nice thoughts.

"Aw!" I hissed, a splat of cheese jumped to my forehand.

I towered my head back to catch a glance of the bedrooms' direction. Not so sure if it's coming from my room or Sandra's. The last time I heard the sound was when my standing mirror fell down and broke itself. But I doubt it is, I have a built in mirror on my wall now.

"Sandra, is that you?" I asked, now a bit creeped out.

"Yeah! Sorry!" She replied.

So she came home after all. Sneaky lady.

Fanning my hand, I diverted my eyes on the casserole again with more relief that I am not alone. The cheese was quite hot I can say, the redness of my skin visibly appeared when I licked the cheese off. Yes, I licked it. I licked my hand, pardon the manners.

"Sandra! What the hell's your problem?" I yelled after hearing the same sound.

Now I ran to her room with the spoon on my hand, licking my fingers from the left cheese spilt.

What could she be doing now? It's weekend! Her waking hour is late morning or two in the afternoon. How come she's already up at eight? Or did she got home just now and is going to bed at this hour?

I knocked before going in. The last time I budged in without telling her, she's with a guy top naked. I half turned the knob to see if it's locked, then pushed it lightly when I figured out it's not.

A messy bed laid before my eyes. I can see her blanket on the floor and she's lying on it. Her lightly smudged mascara was still on her eyelids. She's wearing a tank top and loose pajamas, blankly staring at the ceiling.

"Are you alright?" I asked, slowly putting the spoon on top of her dresser and walked to her. Wiping my fingers on my apron.

"That asshole." She murmured with eyes still pinned up.

I unbelievably scoffed, I knew this was all about a guy again.

I laid beside her and sighed. "Let me guess. You dumped a guy. Now you're mourning over him because you came to think that he's so hot, and you never realized it until now. So now you want him back but when you asked him, he said he was totally over you, sadly." I straightly said. "Am I right? Or am I right?"

The Bad Boy's Lollipopजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें