9 ; the bail

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It was difficult for Alex to understand what went through Diego's head. There were moments when Alex thought that maybe Diego did like him in ways more than friendship. But there were thoughts in Alex's mind that quickly disputed that. Most of the thoughts sounded very much like his father's voice. Those thoughts weren't very nice to hear, but he'd lived with that for a long time, he could tune them out sometimes.

How could someone like Diego like someone like Alex? It felt surreal and not possible. Diego knew about Alex's love life, or lack thereof, but Alex didn't know anything about Diego's. For all he knew, maybe Diego had a partner somewhere that cared about him. Alex guessed that friends would usually know more about each other's love lives. But Diego didn't mention things and Alex didn't ask. If Diego wanted to tell him something, he probably would. Probably.

Then why did he go to Alex when he was injured? (He wouldn't want the partner to be worried about him.)

Why did Diego spend a majority of his time with Alex? Walking him to the archery range whenever he could? (Diego was a good friend.)

Why was Alex's phone ringing?

He frowned when it was an unknown number. It was either a cold caller or someone else. Alex really hated answering phone calls. He nearly didn't answer; but he knew the types of people he was friends with. It could be Klaus phoning from some street phone, asking for help. Or it could be Diego, after doing vigilante stuff. Or it could be Sally, her phone dead. So he answered.


"Hey, Alex,"

He frowned. "Diego? Where's your phone?" Alex sat down on his sofa, confused.

Diego laughed over the line. "I'm currently in the police department. You're my one phone call." That didn't bode well for Diego if Alex was his phone call.

Alex sighed, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose. "Why are you in the police jail cells?"

"They caught me doing my gig. That being said ... will you post my bail?"

Alex sighed, fingers shifting over his face so his whole hand covered it, "Why the fuck do you need me to post bail?" Alex asked, eyebrows coming together in a frown. "And what makes you think I have money?"

Diego laughed, but he sounded tense. "I've done this thing before. They've caught me before. It's on my record, but if someone were to bail me out, that would be great."

"Fuck man. How much is the bail?" Alex couldn't believe this. He wouldn't be able to go to the archery range for a month.

"Fifty bucks,"

Alex groaned. "Diego, I have like two cents to my name," he said, looking around his flat. "You're a pain in my ass, Diego,"

"There are worse things that could be a pain in that nice ass of yours." Alex paused. Did Diego really just say that? "Can you come bail me out soon?"

"I'll do my best," Alex said. "You're an idiot,"

If he could see him, Alex would guess Diego was nodding in agreement.

"See you soon."

Alex hung up and stared at his phone for a few seconds. How was he supposed to scrounge up fifty bucks?


Alex found himself at the reception. "Hi, I'm supposed to be posting Diego Hargreeves' bail?" He smiled shyly. "I'm not sure where to go,"

The receptionist smiled and took hold of the money as he gave Alex a form to sign. He left and a few minutes later, Diego was being led out by a detective.

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