1 ; the start

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When Alex was born, he came into the world screaming, skin burning so hot it hurt to touch.

("On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1989, forty-three women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.")

When Alex was five, the house burned down. It was difficult to say what happened before the fire. Neighbours said that they could hear a child screaming before the fire exploded, the windows blowing out. The fire consumed Alex's mother and spared him, left unharmed. It took three hours for anyone to find him.

("Sir Reginald Hargeeves, an eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.")

He spent the next thirteen years with a father who he didn't belong to; although Alex's skin burned at the touch, it didn't stop his father. That father didn't take kindly to a child that hadn't been conceived. The fear of another house fire left Alex with the man until he aged out. It was only when he was alone did he realise what he was capable of.

(He got seven of them.)

The city Alex lived in was large and full of life. Once Alex had hit eighteen, he ran away as far and as fast as he could. That included taking all of his father's money and running across the country without looking back.

(Little did Sir Reginald Hargeeves know that one of the remaining 36 would meet his number two.)

It took time for Alex to truly understand the scale of things. He was aware of ... abnormalities. There were people such as the Umbrella Academy, who has powers similarly to him. Only, none of their powers were exactly like his. This was not the most convenient thing to happen; he had seen what had happened to the boy who told Hargreeves he was born on the same day as the Academy kids. Alex didn't want to be humiliated like that. He didn't want to risk losing control.

And so Alex dealt with things. It was the only way he could seem to get through life.


"You're a pyromaniac?"

"And you're a BDSM vigilante, what's your point?"

fire ; diego hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now