7 ; the holidays

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It was Christmas Day.

Alex never celebrated it; he wasn't a Christian. He wasn't sure what he was. He couldn't remember if his mom celebrated it, but his father certainly never let a part of those celebrations reach his house. Alex did deign to have a small Christmas tree on his coffee table in his living room. He did like the joy the season brought people. And if he wanted to join in on some of the festivities without committing himself fully, then he'd let himself do that. He wanted a few nice things in his life.

Maybe he should've let himself get into more of the festivities this year. Put himself out there, embrace the holidays. There was always next year, and he figured he could build it up, little by little.

He sent Sally a Christmas text, knowing she would be spending it with her family. Alex spent most of the day watching tv shows on Netflix, curled up in a sweater, thick pants and socks, and several blankets. He also had some hot chocolate. Although Alex didn't really need to have all the layers, he was too lazy to use his powers, and he did like the safe feeling the blankets gave him. It also kept the heat he created trapped under the layers and keep him warm.

He sent a Christmas text to Diego, wondering if he'd see him today or some time else. Alex wanted to be productive, but didn't feel up to it. It felt like a day for laziness, and he was perfectly fine with that.

It was a cold, lazy day. Wind was howling and sleet, and perhaps snow, was coming down from the sky. It made Alex's flat colder, but he was his own central heating.

And there was someone knocking on the door. Alex frowned as he set aside his laptop and hot chocolate, getting up to look through the peephole.

"Why am I not surprised?" he said quietly before he unlocked the door. Diego smiled.

"Merry Christmas, bitch," Diego threw a small box at Alex, who caught it. "Can I come in?" Diego took off his woolly hat, the snow melting in it. He was wet from the sleet and his boots were covered in it.

Alex felt the stupid little smile come onto his face as he shifted to the side to let Diego in. "Bold of you to assume I celebrate Jesus day," he said. Diego chuckled as Alex shut and locked the door and he kicked his boots off. Alex put down the box as Diego sat on the sofa, shifting some of the blankets so he could sit comfortably. Alex knelt on the sofa and reached behind it to pull out a gift for Diego, who had pulled one of the blankets up around his shoulders. "Merry Christmas, dickhead,"

Diego reached over for it, surprised at the weight. He looked up at Alex who was still smiling. His chin was resting on his hand, legs crossed on the sofa. He raised an eyebrow at Diego, nodding a little. Diego pulled the paper off the box and let out a laugh when he saw what it was.

"You know me too well," Diego said as he pulled out the boxing gloves and med kit, along with the language books Alex had bought (which were second hand because he couldn't afford new ones). He turned the gloves around and four wrapped up knives fell out of them. "Thank you, Alex." The soft way he spoke took Alex by surprise. The softer gaze Diego had made Alex's stomach flip. "Now yours." Clearing his throat, Diego reached over to grab it from the table and handed it over to Alex.

Aside from Sally, and his latest birthday, Alex hadn't really been given gifts. He felt a little awkward as he pulled the paper away, but all the more excited. This moment was between him and Diego alone. No other peers. Just them. It felt far more special. Alex could feel the way Diego was looking at him, and he was too nervous to see it for himself. He tried not to bite on his lip, he felt so nervous.

"You always said you wanted to take up archery," Diego said when he saw the surprise on Alex's face. "There's an archery range near the boxing club, it's decent. I got you the beginners course and three months free membership -" Diego was cut off when Alex pulled him into a hug that nearly knocked them over backwards.

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