Mia Grace

    I started to pace around the perimeter of the large room trying to find Rachel. Although, she was no where in sight. How the hell could she get away from me so quickly?

Ten minutes went by and she was still gone. I started to get worried, but kept reminding myself that this wasn't any party. It was a business party, and she was probably talking to someone important. I found my way to the mini bar and ordered a Strawberry Daiquiri while i decided to wait for her to show up again.

"Yeah, can i get an Old Fashioned?" I heard someones familiar voice from behind me.

I don't turn my head, but my eyes wander to the sound. Little did i know it was the gorgeous ass man that was on stage earlier.

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and mutter a 'Thank You' to the bartender when he slides me my drink. I could feel the mans eyes staring into my back and i felt deeply intimidated.

"What's your name, love?"

I sharply turned to face him, although i couldn't stop myself from blushing. "Mia. And you?"

"Brendon. Brendon Urie. It's nice to meet you, Mia." He smirked after he said my name, and i felt at a loss for words. He spoke with such confidence, something i lacked greatly. I couldn't come up with anything else to say, clearly shy, so i just sipped my daiquiri, hoping Rachel would find me soon.

He didn't say anything else either, after he got his drink he smiled at me and left. I wish i wasn't such a bitch or else i would've talked to him more.

I finished my glass and then asked for a second. If i'm going to get free drinks i better use it to my advantage. I finished it rather fast, and then asked for yet another.. and another after that. I could feel my vision get a bit blurry but i seriously didn't mind the feeling.

"Hey, Mia!" I saw Rachel from across the room call my name. I get up from my seat and start to stumble over my feet.

Oh shit was i already this drunk?

"R-Rachel!" I exclaimed, her eyes went wide and i could tell she was worried.

"What the fuck, how many drinks have you had?" She questioned me harshly and i just shrugged. "C'mon, we're going home."

I shook my head forcefully, i wanted to stay. "No! We can't leave yet, i have to say goodbye to Brendon!"

She looked at me with a confused expression. "Who's Brendon?" My eyes scanned the room in search for finding him, but he was no where in sight.

We started walking towards the front door and my mind started to go all over the place. "Mia, at least try to walk normally." She hissed under her breath. I was genuinely trying, but i couldn't function right now. My mind was totally occupied on seeing Brendon again.

We arrived at the exit, and Rachel said her last goodbyes to people standing around. Honestly, i was ready to leave.

My heels make a loud clank as they made contact with the cement and it made me laugh for some reason. "You freaking light weight." Rachel giggled at the sight of me, which only made me laugh more.

Our harmonious laughter came to a sudden stop when i saw the familiar man once again. It was Brendon, but this time he wasn't alone. He was with another woman. Not just any girl, he was full on making out with her. I stopped walking and Rachel turned around to look at me, her face confused.

"I'll see you later at the hotel. Goodnight my darling." He kissed the woman one last time and shut the car door. His eyes trailed up to meet mine, but his expression didn't change.

"Leaving so soon?" He said with a now prominent arch in his thick brow. I only nodded and he smirked once again.

"Goodnight Mia." Were the last words i heard him say.

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