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Mia Grace

  "So, which one? The black dress or the blue sparkly one?" I ask Rachel, sitting on the crimson sofa, with a glass of bubbly champagne in her hand. She always knew what looked best, how to make an impression, and how to please people, just by a simple choice of what to wear.

She quickly looks up at me from staring down at her phone. "Definitely the sparkly one. Is that even a question?" She raises her dark eyebrow at me and slightly rolls her eyes.

"Okay, okay. I didn't need all the sarcasm and sass." I giggle and take the dress off the clear hanger. "Mia, you do know we are going to a Fueled by Ramen party tonight right? This shit is serious! I really got to make the impression." She flipped her platinum blonde hair out of her face, and stared directly into my bright green eyes.

"Yes, Rachel i know we are. And i couldn't be more grateful that you chose to take me." I give her my signature apologetic- i love you look, and she smiles in my favor.

She puts down her glass and zipped my dress up in the back. "Well obviously. You are my favorite person and you know that." I nod and turn around to get my phone from the charger on the bed. "Now hurry the fuck up, we are going to be late!" She exclaimed, and walked out of the room.

When we got to the house the party was being thrown at, my heart started beating out of my chest. The loud music blasted from the fragile glass windows, and i could already recognize a few famous people. Rachel was acting surprisingly calmer then usual, she would normally freak out about things like this; and i knew this was a big deal for her. We have been friends for most of our long 19 year- long lives, and she has wanted to work for this company for so long. She finally got the connection, and this is her big day! I'm basically just here to support her.

"Okay.." She breathed heavily. "Let's do this!" She yelled with both of her hands in the air. I laughed a bit and quickly followed behind her.

We walked inside, and Rachel was already being greeted at the door, while i just stood behind her, smiling awkwardly. I really can't fuck this up for her.

She pointed to the mini bar across the large room filled with people. "Let's get a drink." We politely pushed past the bodies, and my eyes locked with a far too familiar man.

Pete fucking Wentz.

I swear i almost shit myself, as he walked over to me and Rachel, extending his hand to us. "Hey there! Rachel right?" He smiled widely and looked right at her, taking a sip of his strong smelling drink in front of us.

"Yes! Yes, oh my gosh! How are you?" She acted so casual, but i could tell she was freaking out inside. How did they know each other? I had no clue.

They made small talk, but i was way too distracted he was actually in front of me, i didn't hear when he started to talk to me. "Wait, what?" I snapped out if my daze and gasped looking into his brown eyes.

He threw his head back and laughed, i could tell he was drunk. "I said, what's your name?" He beamed.

"Oh. I'm Mia." I said breathlessly, lifting my hand to meet his. "Awesome. Well Rachel and Mia, i'll see you guys later, i go on now." He waved goodbye and lightly jogged to the stage, my eyes somewhat forgot to look at. It was somewhat large for the room we were in, and the light from the ceiling above were shining a bright yellow and red.

Before i was about to freak out to Rachel about that whole encounter, i saw a man go up onstage.

"Hey guys! Glad you could all be here. I'm Matt, and today we are going to be given a suprise preformance from the one and only.. Fall Out Boy!" He called out, and everyone started to cheer. I was at lost for words when all the band members came up on stage and started to wave to the crowd.

I looked over at Rachel with wide eyes, not knowing this was actually happening, and she just nodded, with a big smile on her now glowing face.

"Thanks for the love guys." Pete came on to the stage, with a microphone already in his hand. "Without all of you, this wouldn't be possible. So in honor of that little statement, we will be singing a throwback jam." He laughed along with the band and they all fixed their mics before they started to play.

"Have you ever wanted to disappear, a join a monastery go on and preach on Manic Steet?"

My eyes lit up as Patrick Stump started singing one of Fall Out Boys old songs, 20 Dollar Nose Bleed. Rachels hands flew up in the air, and along with mine. "I totally forgot about this song!" I say as i sing along to the lyrics.

People around us started dancing, and i couldn't have been happier in this moment. Fall Out Boy wasn't my all time favorite band, but of course i knew them, and a few of their songs.

"This is so fun right!" Rachel yelled to get my attention, and i nodded, still dancing. She said something else to me, but i immediately got distracted by the new person that walked on stage with a microphone.

"Oh, Permanent jet lag, please take me back, please take me back."

He was wearing a grey blazer, a black tie with black dress pants, yet it seemed like his outfit didn't fit him. His eyebrows has a prominent arch, and his eyes melted into mine when i looked at him, a creamy dark brown color. His lips were full, and his chocolate colored hair was swooped to the side of his face. He gave me butterflies every time i looked at him, and fuck that voice. He was perfect in everyway, but i knew i had literally zero chance with this man.

After the song ended, Pete held the beautiful mans hand up into the air, and they all bowed. How could i have known this song, but not the mystery guy that sings with Fall Out Boy?

I wanted to mentally slap myself for me being idiotic, when the guy on stage looked straight into my eyes. He went from a soft glance, to a double take back to me. We just stood there for a second, until his facial expression became a hard, seductive look, and just before i was about to look away, he fucking winked at me.

"Rachel! Did you see that?" I half yelled/wispered, but when i looked over in her direction, she was gone.

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