Chapter 2

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They were so fucked for work tomorrow. The bar was tilting around Bakugo and Kirishima was laying his head on the bartop. Who the hell knew how much they had drunk at this point.

"Ssspeakin' of public image, I wanna ask you what you think 'bout somethin'," Kirishima slurred sleepily.

"Spit it out then."

"Sometimes I don't like scarin' people. Like villains and douchebags are fine, but good people, kids and stuff... I don't wanna to make them nervous." He looked over at Bakugo without moving his head from the bartop. Haku was watching him with a disapproving frown on his face. "So, I've been wonderin' if I should get my teeth filed."

"What?!" Bakugo nearly fell out of his chair in shock.

"To make 'em look more normal," he explained.

"No fucking way!" The words flew out of his mouth. What the hell was he saying? He should be encouraging him. Maybe if he had normal teeth then Bakugo would finally stop staring at him all the damn time.

"Really? Ya think?" Kirishima raised his head reluctantly. "Don't they look scary?" He bared his sharp teeth, touching a tip of one tooth with his tongue.

Shit. Shitshitshit. He looked away, taking measured, slow breaths. He was fine. That expression wasn't kind of sexy or erotic. It wasn't tempting to stick his own tongue in Kirishima's mouth and touch those teeth himself. Not at all. Not one bit.

Fucking hell.

"They're fine. They're part of your trademark look. If you take them away it would be super weird. Besides, they're not really scary."

"Ya don't hate 'em?"

"No." He took another drink of his beer and instantly regretted it. His stomach felt so full that he could feel the sloshing of liquid in it. "Well, I think I'm done." He stood up and motioned for Haku to come over. "I'll take the tab."

"Yeah, I think I've had enough celebratin' for one night," Kirishima said ruefully. As soon as Haku came over to them with the bill Kirishima's hand shot out, shoving his credit card into Haku's hands. "I got it."

Bakugo scowled. "Does this look like a fucking date?"

Kirishima winked at him. "You want it to be?" He laughed at his own joke. "'Sides, this was my idea so I got this. You can pay next time, I swear."

After a long glare, he caved in. "Fine. Crash at my place tonight. I don't want to hear about you barfing in some random taxi tomorrow."

Kirishima smiled. "Well, I'm not plannin' on barfin' at all but okay."

They left the bar to walk down the sidewalk, wobbling on their feet occasionally and talking about nonsense that seemed to flow comfortably between them. The night breeze was cool and perfect on Bakugo's flushed cheeks. Kirishima's hair was dark under the moon, but his silhouette was as solid and dependable as always.

"I had fun tonight," Kirishima mused out loud.

"Pfft, now this really does sound like a date," Bakugo snickered.

"I'm glad we're friends, Bakugo."

"I know you're a happy drunk, but this is overkill."

"Seriously, though! Jusst tellin' the truth. We're best buds, aren't we? We should be able to say things like this to each other."

"Kill me now," Bakugo sighed.

"Emotionally constipated."

"Excuse me, shitty hair?"

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