Sweet Love

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"That castle is gonna be called Ezebelle Castle",Ezekiel said when the finished building their beach castle with the beach sand.

That was the end of the first week of their honeymoon.

"I still can't believe we are married Isabelle,kiss me so I can see it's true", Ezekiel.

"Don't play smart boy,you want a kiss,just tell me,I'm all yours.", Isabelle leaned closer and gave him a liplock, one with intense and lusturous desire and warmth.

Breaking away from their almost five minutes liplock,the got into the water and had their share of the coolness and relaxation the water had to offer.

They had lunch at 3:00pm,at a fancy restaurant,grill and bar.
They talked about theirselves,family,likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses at arm's length.

After their lunch,they spent sometime at a recreational park before finally heading to a cinema,to watch a newly released movie, BEFORE THE ALTAR which stars actress ADRIANA HUDGES.

They left the cinema around 9:00pm and as soon as the entered their hotel room. Ezekiel whispered into her ears.
"Let's make a baby".

She could only offer a nod and he attached his hungry lips to hers.

That night was full of wild and lusturous adventures.

"I can't believe we are going back,I had the best of time here.
Can we come back and spend some holidays", Isabelle asked him.

"If course baby, anything for you", Ezekiel answered her back and helped her get into the jacuzzi and both got ready to bath.

"Thank you, dearie", Isabelle said and caressed his cheeks.

"Don't thank me,that's for our own good,you know",Ezekiel said with a seductive smirk that made Isabelle shiver in the jacuzzi.

Grabbing her head,he kissed her like never before, sending a group of butterflies to circulate in her tummy.

That morning's routine led to another wild escapade between them.

"What do you think we do,I'm getting bored and tired of watching TV", Isabelle said with a yawn.

"Hmmmmm.........let's play hide and seek...or.......", Ezekiel said raising an eyebrow.

"Well,okay,close your eyes,I'm gonna hide", Isabelle said and stood up.

"I'm coming for you,......1......2......3". Ezekiel said and opened his eyes.

He searched room,under the bed, the bathroom, couch, but couldn't find her.

Where is she?

Then he heard a loud laughter behind the curtains.

How come he never imagined her being there.

"You lost", Isabelle said triumphantly,"Close your eyes,I'm gonna hide again".

"Okay", Ezekiel raised his hands in surrender.

"Hahahahahaha",She laughed before she hid again.

"1.........2.........3",he counted and opened his eyes.

He looked around but couldn't find her,then he heard her in the bathroom.

He went in there but found her kneeling in front of the toilet bowl, vomiting.

"Hey,what's going on",He asked.

"I don't know",she said and threw up again.

"We must see a doctor", Ezekiel said rubbing his hands at her back.

"Yeah,I think we should", Isabelle said.

"What did the doctor say", Ezekiel asked Isabelle the very moment he saw her coming from the doctors office with a dull face.

She hugged him still with a dull and unhappy face.

He freed from the embrace and asked her why she's wearing such a unpleasant facial expression.

She smiled,"I'm pregnant, you are going to be a father".

"No....wait...what did you just say",he asked again to be sure of what he's hearing.

"I'M PREGNANT, and you are going to be a FATHER.",she said again.

"What a pleasant surprise,let's hurry home,we gonna celebrate", Ezekiel said and took her home.

Isabelle is pregnant.
What the hell?

By the way,I know you are enjoying the story.
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Oheneba The Writer

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