The order

237 19 17

Isabelle made her way through the hallway of her fashion house,wearing a white blouse over a tight blue knee length skirt with a pair of matching heels and a bag. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail and tied it with a blue ribbon completing her awesome look.

She gave the lady sitting over the counter a wink and she also gave her a nod. She asked, "Anybody wanting to see me". The girl over the counter nodded in the negative.
" Thanks Ana",Isabelle said and ascended the stairs to her office.

Just as she bumped into her swivel chair after praying, Gregory, one of the boys entered with a smile,
Isabelle asked, "what's up Gregory"." There's great news Isabelle,I don't even know what to call it,good news or great news or even superb news,I can't believe this",Gregory said." What is it Gregory "Isabelle asked confused.

Gregory handed his laptop over to her whiles he kept on smiling

Isabelle's eyes pop up as if it was about to explode.
" An online order from the whole Mrs. Amelia Daniels and her daughter Marina Daniels, wow",Isabelle exclaimed with excitement.

"They said they will wear it tomorrow,in the evening to a ball so it should be at their doors before noon tomorrow", said Gregory.

" Which of our dresses did they order for",Isabelle asked Gregory.

"Scroll down and you will see what they ordered for", Gregory replied.

She scrolled down and found the dresses they ordered for.

Mrs. Amelia ordered for a long sleeved blue dress embroidered with silver pearls. The dress had a low cut at the back and some floral designs just below the cut.

Her daughter, Marina also ordered for a pink dress also embroidered with silver beads and it had a silver sash around the waist.

" We have no time to waste",Isabelle told Gregory. "Get the delivery car ready,now".

" Okay ma'am",Gregory said and stood up,took his laptop from the table and went out.


Within minutes,they were in front of this plush building, where the Governor lived with his wife and children.

They rung the doorbell for minutes and then a very young handsome looking stout guy came out. He looked around and started questioning them while recording their conversation

They gave him a nod and he went inside. He later came back and pulled the massive metal gates and they entered.

"Madam Amelia will receive you in that room", the young man said and pointed to a door." By the way I'm Clement but I prefer being called Clem".

"I'm Isabelle and this is my colleague, Gregory. Nice meeting you Mr. Clem", Isabelle said.

" The pleasure is always for the Gentlemen ",Clem said and chuckled at his own words.

They went straight to the door they've been shown moments ago,and before they could knock or turn the knob,the door flew open and a lady stood in the way," Hi",she said and stood on the other side to make room for them to enter.

* * * * *
"Wow,this dress fits me perfectly well", Mrs. Amelia said admiring her look in the mirror. As she was turning from side to side to have a look at all sides of her dress,she saw something flashy,she turned and saw her daughter in her dress." You look great,Marina,you are so beautiful ",Mrs. Amelia acknowledged her daughter." Just like you mum ",Marina said hugging her mother from the back.

Mrs. Amelia turned her attention to Isabelle and handed a card over to her," This is my card,call me and let's talk because your works are amazing ".

Isabelle took the card and thanked her and went to the door to get out but was stopped by Mrs. Amelia.

" Wait"Mrs. Amelia stopped her."Can you make it to the ball tomorrow, I want to show you to some friends they will love your works".

"Thank you,ma'am,I will be there", said Isabelle.

" Come here and we will go together, but make sure you look your best because you are making me look super",Mrs. Amelia said and bid her a good bye,"See you then".

Dear wattpaders,
This is my first work and your votes,comments and shares means a lot.

Oheneba The Writer

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