New Boy

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"I would like to thank you for coming and not letting me down", Mrs. Amelia appreciated.

" There's no need for thanking me,ma'am ",said Isabelle.

" I think I should because I asked you and you did, so you have to get an appreciation in return ",Mrs. Amelia said.

" But,to be frank with you Isabelle you looked really hot in that dress",Marina chipped in."Can I get a duplicate of your dress".

"Sure",Isabelle said.

" Miss Isabelle,thank you very much for making my family noticeable at the ball,everybody was talking about them and I couldn't stop fighting because hungry eyes were feasting over my wife and daughter",Mr. Daniels said and all of them burst into a hilarious laughter. "And for my two sons,girls were swarming around them like bees".

" I gotta leave now but thank you all for appreciating my works and recommending me to others",Isabelle said and waved them good bye before exiting the door to the metallic gates and then hired a taxi home.

Isabelle pulled out of bed and went straight to the bathhouse to freshen up and get to the office in time because there's a lot she has to tell her workers.

Her mind couldn't concentrate on what she was doing, her focus was only on the chocolatey brown haired young man she met last night.

"No I shouldn't be thinking of him like that,we just met yesterday and here I am thinking about him", she said this and glanced at the wall clock of her bathhouse.

" Oh no",she exclaimed. "I've been thinking of him for an hour".

She got out of the jacuzzi,got herself dried and went to her bedroom.

She slipped into a black reglan sleeved knee length dress which fitted her perfectly well.

With the rattling of keys,she locked her door,hurried to the elevator and landed on the floor

Minutes later. . . . . . . ..

She alighted from a cab in front of her Fashion House,her handbag collected by Gregory, she made her way through the hallway flashing smiles at almost everybody.

" Ana,anybody wanting to see me",Isabelle asked.

"Yes madam,a guy is looking for you,I asked his mission but he refused to tell me so I let him wait for you,he's on the chair opposite your office", Ana responded.

" Thank you very much,Ana but you must always bear it in mind that I don't like being called madam,please call me by my name,Isabelle, calling me madam sometimes make me feel too proud and pompous",Isabelle said.

"Okay Isabelle", Ana corrected herself.

" Very Good, dear ,now off to my office, please send me my schedules later ",Isabelle said and ascended the stairs to her office.

" Good morning ",Isabelle greeted the young man on the chair opposite her office half asleep.

" Good morning",he replied as he got out from the chair to a standing position.

"You must be the one after me", Isabelle asked.

" Yes please",he replied

"Let's get inside",Isabelle said and they entered.
After her morning prayer. He asked of the young man's mission...

" How can I help you Mr young man",Isabelle asked.

"I will first introduce myself,I'm Sebastian Lhoté,a dress stylist", Sebastian said.

" How may I help you",Isabelle asked.

"I'm seeking for employment", Sebastian answered.

" Can I see your works",Isabelle asked.

"Here you are,ma'am", he handed a sketch book over to her.

Her eyes popped up and her smile increased,
This was what people wanted her to do .' Adding menswear to her collections, and here is an extreme talented menswear stylist,and his works too are completely amazing.

" Young man,you can start work tomorrow ",Isabelle gave him a smile.

" Uhhh,what did you say,' start work tomorrow' ,wow",he exclaimed.

She picked the telephone on her table,dialed some telephone numbers. "Come to my office right away",she said and hung up.

Gregory enters within minutes.

"Gregory, please show him to the stylists room", Isabelle told Gregory.
" Sebastian, please stay till we close,we will have a meeting in the afternoon where you'll be introduced so for now,go to the stylists room and see how things are done over there",she told Sebastian.

And they left.


"Thank you all for coming,our agenda for this meeting is to introduce a new stylist and also about the ball last night. So please lend me your ears", Isabelle said and continued," our new stylist is in the person of Sebastian Lhoté, he will be designing menswear. So those in the stylists room, be patient with him".

"Sebastian please stand for everybody to see you".

He stood and they gave him a welcoming applause.

" Our second agenda is about the dinner last night, we can watch some scenes at the ball now",Isabelle said and signalled Gregory to do the projection.

After thirty minutes,the screen became blank,signifying the end,Isabelle spoke,"So that was all about the ball,and Janice please make a duplicate of my dress for the Governor's daughter".

"Thank you once again for coming", Isabelle said and dismissed the meeting.

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Oheneba The Writer

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