Loosened Foundation

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"Madam,your order has arrived", Clem said peeping through the half opened door.

" Bring it in",Mrs. Amelia said with her head buried in a magazine she was reading whiles sitting on a swing.

"Okay,madam", Clem said and went for the wrapped box from the delivery boy.

Isabelle now hired delivery boys who help delivery when orders are in superabundance.

Clem collected the wrapped box and headed straight to the main building.

" Marina ",Mrs. Amelia called for her when Clem came in.

Marina descended the stairs and helped her mother untie the box.

They opened it and to their utter dismay.

They found stinky rags instead of the beautiful dresses they ordered for.

" What is this",Mrs. Amelia said cupping her nose with her right hand.

"That's weird", Marina said," How can she deliver rags instead of our dresses".

"What does she think of us",Mrs. Amelia blurted out indignantly.

" I don't understand this",Marina voiced out.

"Marina bring me my cell phone from the swing". Mrs. Amelia told Marina and she brought it.

With the movement of her fingers,she dialed Isabelle's personal number and hit the call button.

" Come to my house",she said when the receiver came on the line and hung up.

* * * * * * * *

"Is that what we ordered for",Mrs. Amelia asked Isabelle furiously.

" No mum but......",Isabelle was cut off by Mrs. Amelia.

"Good",Mrs. Amelia muttered," Then why did we receive this stinky old rags".

"I have no idea where these rags come from", Isabelle said defensively in a muffled voice," I personally packed your dresses into this box yesterday and I made sure everything was in place before I placed it in the delivery car to be delivered this morning ".

" Your explanations doesn't mean anything to me",Mrs. Amelia said in a tone that made Isabelle shiver although the weather was very hot.

"I have no idea as to where this freaky stinky old rags come from", Isabelle said.

" Do you know that what you did was an insult to me and that of my reputation ",Mrs. Amelia said tilting her head in a playful manner.

" I'm so sorry but I don't have anything to do with this",Isabelle uttered with an apologetic face.

"I need you to do only one thing for me", Mrs. Amelia said standing up.

" Anything for you,ma'am ",Isabelle said.

" Cancel my name from your list of customers ",Mrs. Amelia notified her in a plain language and took steps upstairs.

" No,ma'am, please I'm sorry",Isabelle pleaded with teary eyes

"But mum,why should you do this", Marina, who has been silent throughout spoke up.

" I knew what I said,and I really meant it",Mrs. Amelia said without turning her head.

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Isabelle entered her office and closing the door with a bang,she made her way to her desk where she broke down and wept.

She needed to be alone. That's why she has given strict orders to Ana not to let anyone enter her office.

Marina hurriedly climbed the stairs but stopped midway because Ana told her to do so.

"Excuse me Miss,Isabelle is not in the mood to talk so if you will reschedule your meeting with her", Ana said.

" I know the state she's in now but I really need to talk to her",Marina said and continued to climb up the stairs.

Ana raised her hand but before she could say anything, she was gone.

Marina surged into the room but meet the unexpected.

Isabelle was crying.

She had never seen her in this state before. She bent over and placed a gentle tap on her shoulder making her elevate her head to look at her.

"Sorry for the way my mum treated you", Marina apologized on behalf of her mother.

"I don't know anything about that but your mum will not let me explain", Isabelle said amidst tears.

"That must be an operation of an enemy", Marina said.

Ezekiel barged into her office. But seeing Marina there,his expression changed.

" Can we talk Isabelle ",Ezekiel asked.

" No she can't talk right now",Marina answered giving him a serious look.

"Okay", was all he said and exited the room.

" Who is he",Marina asked Isabelle.

"He - 's m ...my ..fia...fiancée" Isabelle stammered and positioned her head back on the table.

Marina tore a sheet of paper from her transportable notebook, inscribed something on it and folded it.

Leaving it on her table,she was announced her departure.

After work,Isabelle stood up to go but her eyes caught the sight of the folded paper. She took it,and read the inscribed words.


" Who is a player",she asked herself.

Who is the player?!

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Oheneba The Writer

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