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"Were late Hii-chan! Wake up" Nako jumped on Hitomi to wake her up but end up getting a reply of a sleeping beauty "ugh 5 more minutes Nako.."

Hitomi turned around making Nako fall off the bed. "Ow ow ow, Hii chan wake up. Saku chan is infront of our house!" Hitomi groaned "what time is it"

Nako gave a straight face and said "its 9 am Hii-chan". "WHAT?!" Hitomi jumps out of the bed and runs to the bathroom.

At 9.42 am

Nako and Sakura were in the car,Hitomi got in and sighed. "Kay lets go" Sakura smiled and started the engine. "You're late for the first day and the first semester Hitomi"

The car drove away and Hitomi growled listening to what her unnie just said. "Shut up I overslept" Nako and Sakura happens to laugh at the reply.

Hitomi kept silent meanwhile those two were talking about their holidays.

"Hii-chan why are you so-" Sakura stopped talking when Nako screamed "Saku chan watch out!"

Suddenly BAM!

"Nako wake up! Wake up!" Slowly Nako closes her eyes. Sakura and Hitomi opened the door and pulled Nako out.

"What are we going to do?!" Sakura panicked. "Calm down ,i'll call the ambulance and you call the school -.-" Hitomi gave a cold answer "o-okay Hii-chan"


12 hours later..

"Today in Osaka,three schoolgirls are included in a hit and run car crash. Two girls are in a good condition only some scratches. One of them are in the hospital treated, its because the -"

Sakura closed the Television and yawns. "Its weird seeing us on the TV" Hitomi gave a blank reply "yeahhh"

Nako was already up but she didnt told them she was. Nako gave a scary reply "after all im the one dying in the hospital"

Hitomi jumped and looked at Nako like she was a ghost ."hey hey im alive~"

Sakura shooked her head "Nako how are you not feeling pain" Nako just shrugged. "Im a strong woman, no worries" said Nako in a proud voice.

Hitomi snickered "you never changed Nako-ya" ."so were talking in korean now huh? Ask Sakura. "Nani desuka" Nako was confused and left her jaw on the earth.

All of them laughed "its okay Nako chan! We will help you study Korean!" "Says the two people that was late for the first semester" Hitomi turned red "shut up I overslepttt!'


"So were moving into this weird house? And not coming back to Osaka?" Hitomi asked. Nako steps on Hitomi's foot to get some sense into her. "Ow! You guys this house is scary!" Hitomi sounded scared .

"Well its better than being surrounded by boys right" Sakura pulled in her stuff and walks into the house.
Nako whispered to Hitomi "y'know Osaka is better right?"

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