The Boy and The Girl

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Good Lord it has been how many years since I've written anything publicly. Well I hope you all forgive me for my absence and hopefully you like this story too like you liked my other ones. 

Peter Parker was far from normal. He was one of the smartest people in his school, he was part of his Decathlon team and was one of the top spots, oh and he's Spider-Man. Spider-Man is a 16 year old kid who is book smart, and ,due to his current job and girlfriend, street smart. Enter Michelle Jones. Michelle, or MJ, is 16 years old. She's quiet, reserved, and very observant. She is on the Decathlon team and is actually the Leader. She's very smart, both book and street. Don't let her pretty face fool you. She could fight you and probably take you down in less than five seconds. Also she's Peter's girlfriend. The only boy she is ever soft (kinda) for. Ned is both Peter and Michelle's best friend. He loves them and he loves them together. He is also Peter' guy in the chair so he's super savvy. 

Today, Peter, Michelle, and Ned are going upstate to see to the Avengers's  Headquarters. Ned and Michelle are top tier guests, the only ones really able to get inside and access to every room in the facility. They have enough clearance to be part of the Avengers themselves. Today was kinda special though. Doctor Strange has come back after...well the incident that we choose to name "The Snap". After the defeat of Thanos and reclaiming everyone who was away, it was time for superheroes to take a well deserved break. Doctor Strange said he was going to a relax in a different time period, the future. Peter and his gang were not gonna pass asking about anything. 

"Dude, what if he told us an alternate reality future to prevent us from ruining ours?" Ned geeked. 

"That would require a lot of work, Ned." MJ said. 

"Yeah, but what if it was for the greater good or something?" Ned said.

"This isn't Star Wars, but honestly I could see it." Peter said. 

"Hello children, welcome back should I alert the others that you are here?" FRIDAY said overhead. 

"Sure Fri', thank you!" Peter called back. 

Peter and the others made their way to the living room area and there they saw the Avengers including Doctor Strange. 

"Doctor Strange!" Peter said running up to him. 

"Ah Peter, nice to see you whole again." Doctor Strange said. 

"Yeah, let's not talk about that though, how was the future?" Peter asked.

Ned looked excited and MJ deadpanned. 

"Now Peter, you know I can't tell you anything about the future because it will mess with the time continuum." Doctor Strange said.

"Yeah, well it was worth a try." Ned said.

"Well what about the past?" MJ asked.

Everyone looked at her.

"You can't mess up a future if it happened in the past." MJ said. 

"Ah true, would you like to know about the past Michelle?" Doctor Strange asked. 

"Woah are you sure this is safe?" Tony said.

"Yeah, why is your dad mode going off?" Pepper asked.

"No, just I don't wanna be liable to sending some kids to a place they don't live in." Tony said. 

"It'll just show them, let the kids be." Clint said. 

"Yes now why do you want to know about the past Michelle?" Doctor asked. 

"First call me MJ please and second my mom and dad mentioned something about the circus and I was wondering if you could give me some insight." MJ said.

"How long ago was it?" the Doctor asked. 

"1800s." MJ said.

"Well I can sure try, I am a little rusty from relaxation." Doctor said. 

There a portal opened. On the other side they see a railroad being built and dirt roads. 

"Woah." Peter said getting closer to the portal. 

"This is amazing." MJ said amazed. 

All of a sudden, the portal crackled and roared. Everyone held on as tight as they could to whatever they could hold as the portal then became a giant vacuum. MJ holding on to the couch slips and Peter grabs her hand.

"Hang on!" Peter said holding MJ's hand.

The suction of the portal was too strong and MJ slipped out of Peter's hand.

"Peter!" MJ exclaimed going through the portal.

"MJ!" Peter screamed jumping into the portal after her.

Then there was silence. The portal closed taking MJ and Peter to a different time.

"Kids?" Tony asked to the empty spot where they disappeared.

Spiderboy and the MistressTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang