Welcome to the Circus!

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WOOP WOOP I love this story already when I tell you I've been wanting to right this story for at least 2 weeks. Let's continue.

Peter and MJ fell through the portal in an alley. 

MIchelle groaned.

"Let's never do that again." Michelle said.

"Agreed, but where are we?" Peter asked.

"Umm, I think you mean when?" MJ said picking up a newspaper.

"Railroad to Freedom?" Peter asked.

"The American Railroad in the 1800s American Railroad?" MJ said. 

"We are in the past, how are we gonna get home this is insane?" Peter said. 

"Come one, come all and see the Magnificent Circus!" they heard a call. 

They slowly got up and looked outside the alley to see a tent down the road and a young guy and older man yelling about the circus. 

"P.T. Barnum, the guy that invented the circus?" Peter asked confused. 

"Yeah well I mean it is the 1800s." MJ snarked back. 

"MJ, we have to figure out how in the world are we gonna be home." Peter said.

"Oh yeah well when you make a time machine out of parts needed from the future just call me." MJ said. 

Peter sighed.

"Where are we even going to stay we have no clothes, we don't know anyone, and this isn't a great century for me." MJ said.

"Not a great century?" Peter asked confused.

"Peter, I am a black girl in the 1800s, people hate me because of my skin tone and want me dead." MJ said menacingly. 

"That would never happen, I won't let it." Peter said taking her face in his hands. "We will figure out a way to get home Mich'"

'Mich' was only used when Peter was determined to tell her the truth and when MJ needed calming down.

"What would I do without you?" MJ asked kissing his cheek. 

Peter smiled and hugged her tight. 

"Looking for new acts everyday, tell your friends!" they hear the younger man call. 

Peter had an idea.

"Hey what if, we joined the circus?" Peter said. 

MJ looked at Peter amused. 

"The circus Peter?" MJ asked. "AS what the boy and girl from the future?"

"No how about Spider-Man and his assistant." Peter said.

"No, no you cannot just use your powers as a way to swindle through people, what if they don't like it and come after you?" MJ said seriously.

"MJ what other choice do we have?" Peter said tensely. 

MJ thought about it for a second before shaking her head. 

"Fine, but use Spiderboy and I sure as hell ain't your assistant, call me...Mistress." MJ grinned as Peter flushed. 

"Yes Mistress." Peter joked taking her hand and lightly kissing it. 

They laughed as they made their way to the giant tent. 

"Anne?" the younger man said.

"Ummm who?" MJ replied.

"I'm sorry, you just look like my wife and I was so confused." the younger man said. "I am Phillip Carlyle and this is my working partner P.T. Barnum."

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