Chapter 2 - Faye

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Faye was first really upset but then sad because of the letter she received. She didn't want Isla to bring a friend... or literally anyone. They have been friends since they can remember and are really close. Since Excousia isn't in the best situation right now and the nations have parted more and more it has been even more difficult to see each other. It didn't help that their letters came so late all the time.
Faye knew it was a bit rude of her to think like that but she couldn't help it. She has always been a bit stubborn and hot-headed.
On the contrary she still enjoyed the thought of no parents being with them and telling them what to do. Especially since Isla's parents are really strict and almost never let her do anything fun. It's a wonder they allowed her to visit the festival. Faye's parents are kind of the opposite. They allowed her to visit the festival right away.
"Kinda weird that our parents are really good friends even though they are so different..." Faye thought to herself.
In hopes of thinking about something else she helped in the house, packed her things and did some gardening. Being a part of the once called nature-nation it was pretty easy for her to take care of the garden. All of the people from the nature-nation have a green thumb since their ancestors were able to control nature. But that doesn't really matter nowadays... at least she thought so.
When she was done with everything she headed straight to bed. The problem was she couldn't sleep. Faye figured if she couldn't sleep she might as well just think some more and get tired that way. While daydreaming she looked out the window. She saw a beautiful night sky with no clouds but tons and tons of stars. The one straight above the water-kingdom which she could see perfectly from her window always reminded her of Isla. Probably because Isla is from the water-kingdom. When she was younger and couldn't sleep she used to look at it and imagine all the things she'll discover and do one day.
Eventually she feel asleep.

" Faye ? Faye ? Open your eyes follow me." said a soft but unfamiliar sounding voice. Faye completely unaware of what's happening or where she is followed those instructions quietly. All she could see was a very bright light and a... shillouette. But it was way too blurry to recognize anything. Faye came nearer and nearer to the light until she was completely surrounded by it.
Then everything happened really fast: She saw herself, an old woman, Isla, two boys, an unknown girl, a dark creature of some sort, a dark woman, fire, water, a light, a shadow and more but it got too much for her.
Slowly she became afraid of what she saw it was to much, her heart pounded and cold sweat ran down her body. She tried to move but it didn't work. Faye kept trying until finally she woke up.
"What did I just see?!"

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