I smiled shyly. "Only if you believe in me."

He beamed. "I wouldn't be offering this if I didn't think you were capable of it. And I'll help you every step of the way. You won't be alone to struggle. If you need help, you can come here and more than likely find me."

"Thank you. We'll try to see if i can handle this. I hope I don't disappoint you. I'll work as hard as I can to make you proud of offering me this."

"You're a Lund. When you set your mind on something, I know you'll accomplish your goal." He then slapped his knee. "Well, that's all I wanted to speak with you about. I'll let you have a good rest of the day." He rose and gave me a hand up.

I waved goodbye as i left his office. I felt a little bubbly as i went to the dorm. I broke out skipping down the hall of the boy's dorm. I was grinning when I threw Marek and Nathan's dorm room door open.

I had startled them while the boys are all playing a shoot'em up game. Startled them so much that they all jumped and their guys all died. I laughed at the whines from the guys.

"You won't guess what my mentor just told me." I said bouncing over to Marek.

He grinned as I sank onto his lap and he put his arms around me. "What did he say?"

"I might be graduating with you. I might be doing an accelerated program. Learning more and quicker so I could graduate in three years!" I was smiling.

He hugged me tightly. "See. You're already impressing everyone."

We talked the rest of the day and into dinner. The guys even got back into playing their game. It was fun to watched them and the comments they make against each other.

There was even talk about tomorrow's final initiation. talked about who the guys were that needed a true counterpart and the girls. Everyone knew that the freshmen needed a counterpart, but we found out all the others that needed one as well.

That night in my dream, I sat alone by the lake in my white dream. I didn't mind. I knew there would be a few times when Melerick wouldn't be in my dream. I wasn't going to think he was there all the time.

~~~~~Marek's Point of View~~~~~

"You excited buddy?" Nathan said grinning from his bed. He was sitting on it with his back against the wall behind his back. One of his legs were propped up with his arm resting on it. He was in his trademark jeans that were rough looking. His rocker t-shirt that was a bit wrinkled with the short vest. Sometimes I think he has a girl's sense of style.

"I'm more nervous than anything else." I said pulling my own t-shirt over my head. I was just finishing getting dressed for today. The day I find out if my dream was true. The day I get my counterpart that I've wanted since I've first heard about counterparts.

"You know I had the same dream last year. You're going to get her. We will just have to see which her." He raised a cocky and questioning eyebrow. "Do you have a girl in mind? Perhaps our lovely little Hope?"

I picked up a tennis ball I had in my wardrobe just for this reason. I chuckled it at his head. He laughed catching it. "I don't want to get my hopes up on one girl. I'd love it if it were her, but you know how this goes. We must compliment each other. She has six fucking elements dude."

He grinned. "Yes..." He said. "But, you have the others that she doesn't. "You are an Earth and Death guy. Not to mention life too. You'd be a prefect match for her."

"But Franklin has just Earth and Death. He could be a better match along with a few others. There are so many choices for her counterpart."

He sighed. "Just don't be surprised if you do end up being hers."

Starr Academy: Year OneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu