chapter 18: christmas.

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december 14.

at school.

l i s a  p o v

"hey momo, do you mind if i go to your house tonight?" i asked, there's nothing to do at home.

"oh, sure. but what for?" momo asks.

"hmm, i wanna play video games, read a book.., uh i don't know honestly." i said.

"just let me sleep over since there's no school tomorrow." i said.

"what about.. we plan for christmas?" momo said after she drank her juice.

yeah, christmas is coming. i wanna spend it with jennie-unnie..

what should i give to her?

talking to her is enough,

hug is enough,

touch her--woah woah no no no.

"lis, are you listening to me?" momo said as she shake my shoulder.

"oh sorry, where were we? we'll plan for christmas?" i  am so distracted..

"yeah, but what's wrong with you? you've been distracted a lot." momo asks.
with a hint of concern.

"n-nothing." i stuttered feeling embarrassed.

"pfft, obvious it's that girl, huh?" momo teased as she elbowed me.

"s-shut up!"

fastforward to december 24.

"hey mom, merry christmas! and greet dad for me." i said on the call.

"merry christmas too pranpriya! i'll give you a huge gift if i got home soon." mom said.

"and don't forget your gift for me, you having a relationship is okay for me!" mom added.

"jeez mom! seriously?" i said having red cheeks.

"bye manoban, love you! merry christmas!"

*end call*

wait for me jennie.

i often go to momo's house. i could just go straight to her house without knocking because her family loved me.

yes, like i have another family.

"momo!" i shouted through her room.

"let's go now! to the mall!" i shouted again.

today, my and momo will be having a simple christmas on a mall. then, momo and her family will celebrate christmas tonight.

"jeez don't you shout at me, i'm ready!" momo said.

t h i r d  p e r s o n  p o v

they spent their christmas at a mall, a simple christmas.

they went to play at arcade, buy books, eat, and finally for their gifts.

"momo, this is my gift for you!" lisa said excitedly as she handed the gift to momo.

"merry christmas~ i only gave you some money, but i will treat you black-bean noodles!" lisa added.

"thank you, then for you.. here." momo gave her the gift to lisa.

"oh, this is embarrassing. a necklace which has a letter L & J on it?" lisa said as she starts to blush.

"uh-huh, but at prom, wear that if jennie is your partner hihihi." momo teased as she elbowed lisa.

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