Chapter 30: Guided and Cautions!

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3rd perspective

Within the depths of the 9th Hierarchical city of Akitsu-A, a Puppetmaster is trying to revive a cauldron that was previously destroyed by Ragna the Bloodedge.

Relius: With this here and that there... this cauldron should now be...

With his work done, the cauldron started to be reactivate. He was about to leave until a voice spoke out stopping his tracks.

Abaddon: Why are we here?

Relius: (Stops and pulls out soul) It is rather simple... I'm collecting a component, while reviving this cauldron.

Abaddon: What does this "cauldron" have to do with anything of that matter?

Relius: It part of the Imperator's plan...

Abaddon: And this component?

Relius: Remember the conversation me and Hazama had...?

Abaddon: I remember...

A few days ago

In the NOL base, Hazama approaches Relius.

Hazama: Ah, Colonel Relius I was just looking for you...

Relius: Hazama... What do you want?

Hazama: Well, I'm here to inform you on a few things, one that our friend here. (Pulls out soul) Has agreed to help.

Relius: Hmm... But more importantly, Hazama... Are things coming along on your end?

Hazama: They're proceeding on schedule.

Relius: I'm leaving for Ikaruga tonight. What about No. 13?

Hazama: It still needs some adjustments, but even in its current state, it can easily carry out its task. A masterpiece one would expect from an artist such as yourself. Things can continue apace in Ikaruga, I expect.

Relius: I see...

Hazama: Speaking of which, sense he is going to help. I'm asking from an artist such as yourself, to create a new body for him.

Relius: I might have to get some things but, I'll see what I can do...

Hazama: By the way, Relius... About Phantom... I trust things will be fine...?

Relius: Don't ask me... I only prepared the vessel.

Hazama: Hmph... She's a useful pawn, but isn't her soul unstable?

Relius: Save you're complaints for the Imperator... She's the one who's sustaining her. If that is all, I'll be taking my leave.

Hazama: Don't forget this. (Holds out soul) ...Oh and by the way, I taught him a new trick. So if he speaks to you, he can do it outside instead of heading into that little dark room of his.

Relius then takes it, and left Hazama behind.

Present Time

Abaddon: ...So besides this component, how do you plan on making a new body, my power, isn't something that you have encountered before.

Relius: You are right, your soul is far more powerful than I have ever encountered. Which is why, I have only have one option on how to make you a body.

Abaddon: I don't know why you said only one when there's one I could think of, like Terumi using Hazama's body.

Relius: If it was like Terumi's then it would be the same kind of process that I created Hazama but unlike them, your soul is more powerful than his despite Terumi being more ...flexible with his soul. You need a stable body that can hold your power, which is why I decided to come to this particular cauldron, it has a component that can restart a cloning project.

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