Chapter 5: Arriving at Kagutsuchi and Familiar Faces?!

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Phase 1: Calamity Trigger

3rd prospective

You have been traveling through the woods for a few hours, you could have easily go right above the trees and make it Kagutsuchi right about now, but let's just say after a little incident, the NOL and Sector 7 have been keeping sharp eyes out for anything suspicious about mysterious energy that you leaked out.

Y/N: All right, if I'm right about this then I should be at Kagutsuchi within less than 30 minutes.

You stopped as you felt a presence lurking nearby.

Y/N: Hey come on out, I know that your there! I can sense you.

Moments passed then the person hiding started to speak.

???: Heh, you always keepin' that sense sharp do ya Y/N?

Your eyes widened as you recognized the voice. As he stepped out where he was hiding. You both stared at each other with a smile on both of your faces.

Y/N: Jubei, it's been a few years how's it going?

Jubei: Good, And I guess you mostly been trainin'?

Y/N: Ya, I have to keep up my skills, so then I can be ready for whatever opponent I'm fighting.

Jubei: So I'm guessin' it's time then.

Y/N: ...yes, I had a vision of Ragna's death and I'm going to stop it before it happens.

Jubei: Alright but before you go here's a quick warning. Besides the NOL and sector 7 ya have to watch out fer, you must be ready for him.

Y/N: I may not know his name, but I do know who your talking about. I may have to go at full power in order to stop him from killing Ragna.

Jubei: Well at least you can understand the warnin' unlike Ragna.

Y/N: Wait, you've met Ragna earlier?

Jubei: Ya, met him only an hour ago. By now he must be at Kagutsuchi.

Y/N: Then I must hurry! Well its been fun to chat but I must go, take care Dad.

Jubei: You too son, Godspeed.

And just like Jubei said, you rushed through the forest in high speeds and thus making to Kagutsuchi in less than 10 minutes.

Y/N: ...I made it, The 13th Hierarchical City Kagutsuchi.

Y/N: I know Ragna will be going to the cauldron so I just got to make my way up there and get to it before that vision comes true.


You made your way to the Rōnin district thinking that it is the best option. When you got there the people are peaceful and helped each other and occasionally you saw some ninjas going by and it just realized that these people are the residents of Ikaruga that fled during the Ikaruga Civil War that ended 2 Years back, by a familiar name but your not it's the same person.

You turned to the next corner, and you see an end of a fight. A young man short blond hair and green eyes. He wears the Control Organization major uniform with a black turtleneck and leggings under a white Japanese-style tunic, white gloves, military boots, and a "jolting sapphire" colored jacket with a red lining and very long, detached sleeves.

 He wears the Control Organization major uniform with a black turtleneck and leggings under a white Japanese-style tunic, white gloves, military boots, and a "jolting sapphire" colored jacket with a red lining and very long, detached sleeves

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