Chapter 15: Behind the Senses and Hot Springs?!

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3rd prospective

A/N: Start the music at this spot.

Miles above Kagutsuchi's air space is a air ship belonging to Sector 7. Inside the ship, is an agent cyborg of Sector 7 known as the Red Devil.
His face remains stoic in most situations, and he sports pointy black hair with a singular white streak on the left side. He has a square jaw, with two sharp canines protruding from his bottom teeth. He wears small orange glasses that do not seem to fit his face. On his forearms are large, magnetic gauntlets that come up past his wrists; His hands are covered in metal gloves with a single red dot on their palms.

Complimenting his muscular physique, He also wears a tight fitting, sleeveless jacket that leaves his thick arms bare. This jacket is a light red in front and cinnabar on the sides, separated by white zips with two metal zippers. He wears a large brown belt attached to a red skirt and two metal pleats that cover his thighs. Finally, His look is completed by a pair of beige boots with red metallic toecaps. And his most noticeable feature is his crimson skin.

Tager's thoughts: I never thought that I be back Kagutsuchi, well let's see what the mission is then

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Tager's thoughts: I never thought that I be back Kagutsuchi, well let's see what the mission is then.

At that moment his Superior, has called and he answered.

Kokonoe: This is Kokonoe, hey talk to me Tager.

Tager: Roger that Kokonoe. I'm currently airborne, about 2000 meters above Kagutsuchi air space.

Kokonoe: That was fast! You don't waste time, do ya?

Tager: How does it look from down there?

Kokonoe: Both Terumi and Relius have just arrived in town.

Tager: Those two mean trouble if they are here, what do they want?

Kokonoe: They are probably after Noel Vermillion because she is the Asure's Successor. Your mission is to find her and bring her back to me, ASAP.

Tager: Bring her back? For what reason?

Kokonoe: Rant alert, hold on to your ass! The bigwigs over at Sector 7 have been bitching at each other nonstop on how best to deal with Noel and Ragna.

Tager: Pardon my language but, "bitching"?

Kokonoe: Man, its like they can't find their ass with both hands Tager, they say that they want to over throw the NOL and stepped out ars magus, they are nothing but hot air. They say they want to change the world through science, but they haven't done any research worth a damn. Now, they are losing their shit over the Azure Grimoire when they should be focus on the eye. (Slams hand on desk) Idiots Tager, all of them! That's why we are going to find Noel first, and when we do there's going to be honest to goodness science dammit!

Tager: Roger that.

Kokonoe: (Sigh) But also, there's another mission I want you to do.

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