The Beginning: A parents farewell and a new life begins!

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      A long time ago before Omni King Zeno destroyed universes 13-18, there was a forbidden love between universe's 15 and 16 gods of destruction that not even the angel attendants knew about it.

   The 2 gods of destruction have been secretly been with each other for centuries not once caught, but eventually things happen. As the 2 were going to meeting each other their attendants informed them about it will be their last day.

Universe 16 god: What?!! You mean Grand Zeno is going to wipe out this and a few other universes out?!

Universe 16 attendant: Yes unfortunately this will be the last day before you and the others will be wiped out. So go do what you need to do and come back to me, it will be sad that we won't get to talk anymore once you disappear.

Universe 16 god: Alright I'll be back soon!

After the small talk he head to where they always meet and sure enough his lover was waiting for him!

Universe 16 god: Koca!

Koca/Universe 15 goddess: Spice!

As they seen each other they embraced for a few seconds before he started talking.

Spice/Universe 16 god: Koca, Grand Zeno is going to...

Koca/Universe 15 goddess: I know universes 13-18 are going to be wiped out my attendant told me too!

Spice/Universe 16 god: What are we going to do Koca?! Our lives is going to end and our son as well!

Koca/Universe 15 goddess: Our lives yes, but not our son's life I have a plan to save him!

Spice/Universe 16 god: And that's why you have the brains of this relationship and I have the Bronze.

Koca/Universe 15 goddess: Ha(opens a Pocket dimensional portal right to there son is at).

Spice/Universe 16 god: lets go speak to our son one last time.

A/N:This is the part that you play the music from the top.

As the 2 gods of destruction walked through the portal they began to think what to say to their 3 year old son. When they arrived they saw their son sleeping in his bed. They walked to the his bed wile looking at him happily thinking about what kind lifestyle he will have. By the time they got to the bed they frowned the fact they won't be able to see it and you began to wake up.

Spice/Universe 16 god: Go get my old space pod ready for the trip, I will start speaking to him then you can speak to Y/N once everything is ready.

Koca/Universe 15 goddess: Alright

Spice/Universe 16 god: (kneels down next to the bed) Son....Y/N, I may not have been with you like your mother has but unfortunately this will be the last time we will see each other. Your mother and I are going to be erased from existence and there's nothing we can do about it. We are both last of our race but soon you will be the last remaining Saiyan, so with that in mind live the best life you can possibly do and make me proud by being the best fighter and let no one defeat you.

As he finished speaking to his son, Koca came around the corner and told Spice that everything is ready. He stands back up as Koca picks you up from your bed and carries you to the space pod.

Koca/Universe 15 goddess: Hey my little imp, mommy needs you be strong for whats to come I won't be around for much longer so be smart and make sure you find someone who will love you and don't be a perv like your father like that one time.

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