Chapter 12: Successor of the Azure and an Old Enemy Returns!

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Moments before the cauldron opened
Noel's perspective

I walked around at the basement of the NOL branch and I see a huge structure.

Noel: this...? What's something like this doing beneath the NOL...?

I hear noises and the ground shakes and I don't know why.

Noel: What's going on?!

As I continued walking in the darkness, I stopped and see a large metal structure, but something's familiar about this.

Noel: I've...seen this before. But where...?

But then, my head starts to feel wrong in my head, like if it's on fire.

Noel: Ah...ahhhh...aaahhhhhh...

As my couldn't get any worse, different images came and I don't recognize any of them. At this point, it hurts I can't take it and yell the pain out!

Noel: AaahhhhHHHHHHHH!

Then it all went black.

3rd prospective

As the cauldron opened, a girl with sunken red eyes and long silver hair tied into a braid held together by a single blade. She wears a bright jumpsuit and a long flowing cape with red-colored tape seals attached to the end. She wears a magic power regulator eyepatch on her right eye and she is barefoot having blue nail polish on both fingers and toes.

 She wears a magic power regulator eyepatch on her right eye and she is barefoot having blue nail polish on both fingers and toes

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She floats out of the casket she came from, lands on the catwalk. At the same time, Noel approached her with no emotion in eyes and the two stared at each other.

 At the same time, Noel approached her with no emotion in eyes and the two stared at each other

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Noel: Target confirmed. Now switching to combat mode.

???: Activating...activating...activating... Target confirmed. Target identified as Boundary Interface Prime Field Device. Requesting specifications.

Noel: I'm...I...I am...Boundary Interface Prime Field Device #12. Anti-Sankishin Core Unit...Mu.

Nu: Conparing... Acknowledging existence of identical device. Asserting difference...Boundary Interface Prime Field Device #13. Anti-Sankishin Core Unit...Nu. Irreparable error detected within target... Target is incomplete... I order you to self-destruct.

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