Chapter 19: The Mad Puppeteer and Saving a Friendship!

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3rd prospective

As Noel is talking to Tsubaki, a man at the upper level of the area watches over them, observing the the two like if they were a science project. The man wears a similar appearance as Carl, but the color of his cape is magenta with a it has a golden X-shaped fixture to hold the it in place and has two rings protruding out of the lower front halves of it. Instead of a hat he wears a golden opera mask. His baggy white tights are tucked into his stylized black and purple boots, these boots have golden toecaps that have a silver colored nail-like fixture on the top; the mouth of the boots also have a white and golden cuff to them.

 His baggy white tights are tucked into his stylized black and purple boots, these boots have golden toecaps that have a silver colored nail-like fixture on the top; the mouth of the boots also have a white and golden cuff to them

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And on his left is a doll like manikin that he created, with similarities like Nirvana but changes are that, its color is like the mans cape but with a deep red color to it. It's eyes are blue in color and have irises, making them more human-like compared to Nirvana's opaque, pupil-less eyes and seems to have lines running down from both her eyes, in comparison to Nirvana's one. It also has two big golden rings on each side of its hat instead of one like Nirvana. Its hands have sharp, hooked protrusions on the fingertips.

Then the man looked to his right for a second as two people teleported in, one is Rachel and the other is Ragna

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Then the man looked to his right for a second as two people teleported in, one is Rachel and the other is Ragna.

???: Ah, the vampire and her pet, he's quite a mongrel.

Ragna: Tough talk masked freak, and who's that your date? Is she a Nox Nyctores or what? (looks at Rachel)...Come on, what the hell am I even doing up here? If it's to meet this dushbag... I'll pass.

Rachel: Listen well Relius... for the likes of you, I will suffer no interference.

Relius: Interfere? I came to watch my creation, that's all.

Rachel: And...after you seen your fill?

Relius: That unit is supposed to be defective, but now it's the Asure's Successor! I'm intrigued, I need retrieve it so that I can conduct more research.

Rachel: Is that not interfering Relius?

Relius: You should blush at your hypocrite, that you have blood to spare. You handled quite a bit with the Tsukuyomi Unit.

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